In recent weeks, I’ve noticed a rise in censorship regarding SMS communication that’s not being discussed. At all. I’m concerned that it may become a slippery slope that eventually effects us all. I don’t have any dramatic, prose-ridden introduction this week. Just some news, facts, and observations I wanted to share. So this week, follow me down the rabbit hole as I explore an existing but rising threat to our free speech and what we can do about it.

      9 months ago

      iPhone to iPhone uses iMessage. Android to Android uses RCS. iPhone to Android uses SMS, but that will change soon when Apple finally joins the modern age and implements RCS.

      Some people also use signal or WhatsApp, but it’s not as common here.

    • Hanrahan
      29 months ago

      Last time I sent one was,.10 years ago maybe ? I can’t.remember…

      Still.get them. Alas for 2FA

      9 months ago

      We are just stuck in our ways over here. We just got tap payments a few years ago. Even then some vendors still don’t support tap to pay lol.

      I always wondered why the US seems to be a hold out for adopting new technology. It might just because out government is extra slow at getting anything accomplished.

      For SMS I wondered if it has something do with communicating between countries. In your experience was their extra charges involved with sending a SMS to someone in another country. (Back in the day when SMS was popular)

      Here in the US we can SMS to anyone within the US for no extra charge. And we mostly talk amongst ourselves over here. So cost wise it isn’t an issues. If I was talking to people outside the US there is no way I would use SMS.