What legal issues would they be opening themselves up to? All airspace in the US is regulated by the FAA. As long as they weren’t in restricted airspace, following all the regulations, and the operator had the proper part 107 license there is nothing illegal about using a drone in this manner. There have been various discussions over the years about “owning” airspace over ones property but nothing has even gone to court that I’m aware of. Not to mention the company could have well seen onto the persons property while being over public space (I.E. the road).
I’m not arguing if this was right or wrong, but I see nothing illegal here.
Complete speculation on my part, but privacy laws? My understanding is that in the US, broadly speaking, you have a right to privacy where it would be reasonably expected, which I’ve usually heard defined as places you can’t easily see from the sidewalk. If my understanding is true, then this would be an invasion of privacy just like some creep standing on a ladder peeping on people in their high fenced backyards, and there are generally laws against such behavior.
The article touches on that part actually right at the end:
As for legality of taking drone pictures over a house? California state law only forbids that if you’re specifically doing so as a sort of peeping tom.
Yeah, I think it’s a proximity thing. The risk of a drone crashing over a yard is part of that factor I think, which makes sense. Imagine a big drone crashing on some kid’s head 😬
What legal issues would they be opening themselves up to? All airspace in the US is regulated by the FAA. As long as they weren’t in restricted airspace, following all the regulations, and the operator had the proper part 107 license there is nothing illegal about using a drone in this manner. There have been various discussions over the years about “owning” airspace over ones property but nothing has even gone to court that I’m aware of. Not to mention the company could have well seen onto the persons property while being over public space (I.E. the road).
I’m not arguing if this was right or wrong, but I see nothing illegal here.
Complete speculation on my part, but privacy laws? My understanding is that in the US, broadly speaking, you have a right to privacy where it would be reasonably expected, which I’ve usually heard defined as places you can’t easily see from the sidewalk. If my understanding is true, then this would be an invasion of privacy just like some creep standing on a ladder peeping on people in their high fenced backyards, and there are generally laws against such behavior.
The article touches on that part actually right at the end:
Yeah, I think it’s a proximity thing. The risk of a drone crashing over a yard is part of that factor I think, which makes sense. Imagine a big drone crashing on some kid’s head 😬
Would’ve been nice if they explained it a bit more.
For example, California has some civil laws covering such things due to paparazzi using technology, but the key with those is the intent to capture people’s activities: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=1708.8.&lawCode=CIV