I can’t really think of a reason for that as Reddit is hated somewhat equally by “both” sides of the spectrum. It’s just something I find interesting.

  • possibly a cat
    52 years ago

    I would definitely call Thiel a tech nerd.

    Same with his buddy Zuckerberg, and to a lesser extent (in terms of the ‘tech’ label) Elon.

    Would you disagree?

      • possibly a cat
        -12 years ago

        Silicon Valley is notorious for right-wingers, and there’s a huge annual gathering of all the PNW right wing bros every year that is overwhelmingly tech dudes with no social competencies.

        FOSS is definitely the exception but not even that is nearly as left-wing as it used to be, especially since their platforms started getting cracked down on and since they adopted cryptocurrency. And there have always been some right-wing personas in the Linux community, especially on the more corporate side.

        Also, would a leftist ever work for one of those CEOs if they had a choice? I don’t think so - in fact, I think it is safe to say that the majority of (non-green card wielding) workers at those companies are at least not fundamentally opposed to what their CEOs pay them to do. Even the ones that aren’t overtly right-wing (of which I’m sure there are many employees) are still supportive of the right-wing interests of their employers. And these are people who can easily get jobs elsewhere.

        • @entropicdrift@lemmy.sdf.org
          42 years ago

          I’m not saying there are no right-wing tech nerds, I’m saying that your argument that tech nerds are right wing is overly reductive.

          You concede my point about FOSS but then try to muddy the waters from there by citing “their platforms started getting cracked down on and [their having] adopted cryptocurrency” to try to make your prior pidgeon-holing still work. Mind citing me a source for either of those claims? Neither of those seem to me to be issues plaguing the wider FOSS community, and as a participant I’m interested to hear about this news I’ve apparently missed.

          Silicon Valley is not representative of tech nerds in general. It is, like Hollywood, a small area filled with desperate people trying to turn their talents into fame and fortune. Insinuating that tech nerds in general have the same culture as Silicon Valley is like insinuating that actors in general dress, act, and think like Hollywood actors do. It’s ridiculous on its face.

          All this to say it really sounds like you’ve built up a stereotype based on what you read in the news rather than by engaging with the actual community in question.

          • possibly a cat
            02 years ago

            All this to say it really sounds like you’ve built up a stereotype based on what you read in the news rather than by engaging with the actual community in question.

            It’s my industry, but thanks.

            I’m not going to let you sealion me into sourcing citations that right-wingers love crypto projects. That’s absurd.

            • @entropicdrift@lemmy.sdf.org
              2 years ago

              It’s my industry too.

              I wasn’t asking if right-wingers love crypto, but about what you were arguing about the FOSS community having “their platforms … getting cracked down on and [their having] adopted cryptocurrency”, which sounds an awful lot like a specific claim or two.

              I literally still have no idea which events you’re referring to, unless you’re just saying “but crypto exists”. I mean, we’re on a FOSS platform right now.

              Nice strawman, though. Honestly pretty ironic that you’re implicitly accusing me of arguing in bad faith when you’ve misrepresented my question so entirely.

              • possibly a cat
                02 years ago

                I misrepresented your question? How does one even misrepresent a question like

                Mind citing me a source for either of those claims?

                I called you out for sealioning, I didn’t misrepresent anything.

                I did have a typo two comments back, though. I didn’t mean to say “cracked down” I meant to say “go corporate,” as in enterprise distros and support. Which you’re in the industry so you don’t need an introduction to.

                I am trying to debate in good faith, at the very least.

                Nice strawman, though.

                Go on, point out the strawman. I’ll wait.

                • @entropicdrift@lemmy.sdf.org
                  2 years ago

                  I asked you to establish the truth value of your claims about the FOSS community 1) adopting crypto and 2) being cracked down on. That’s not sealioning. I genuinely had no idea what you were talking about and I’m in the FOSS community.

                  Even with this correction I think you’re maybe referring to RedHat being shitty with regards to going corporate, which is a bit silly since they’ve always been the corporate-friendly for-profit Linux company. I mean it is worse than it had been but it’s hardly indicative of a trend across the entire community.

                  I honestly still have no idea what you’re alluding to WRT the FOSS community adopting crypto, though. Blockchain stuff I get, it was a trendy technology and IPFS is neat and all, but I’ve seen no trend towards cryptocurrency in the general FOSS community. Like what, did Apache mint some NFTs? Tell me what you’re alluding to so I can Google it, even, if you’re too lazy to send me a link.

                  Your strawman (from my perspective) was the reframing of my request as needing proof that “right-wingers love crypto projects” which was not what I was asking about at all. You decided that I was sealioning because I called bullshit on your claims about trends in the FOSS community, from my perspective. That seemed to me an awful lot like misrepresenting my argument in order to dismiss it out of hand, so, y’know, a strawman.

        • overwhelmingly tech dudes with no social competencies.

          Ablism, real nice.

          I am really not liking what you are throwing down and I am not seeing evidence of your multiple assertions. I am fairly leftwing, been an engineer for 15 years, I don’t enjoy dealing with companies that are run by rightwingers but I am not going to do a purity test.

          Stop with the discrimination against the high functioning autistic at least. I am sorry your glowing rectangle provider who let you unlock it but that is hardly our fault.

            • Your question is why I considered a sweeping generalization about a group of people to be bigoted?

              Just clarifying here. You are confused about why assigning a stereotype to people based on genetic traits came off as bigotry.

            • possibly a cat
              02 years ago

              I wasn’t intending to be being ablist, and I really don’t think I was. That accusation honestly upsets me. I feel like they didn’t even try to read my comment, something just hit one of their triggers and they went into attack mode.

              There are two types of tech workers without social skills: Those who haven’t invested in them (statistically the majority), and those who aren’t able to develop them (statistically the minority).

              The right-wing pipeline preys on both of these groups. This has been documented and researched. It takes advantage of them and turns them onto incel culture. This is partially causative of the culture shift in the industry which I and others have pointed out.

              To self-censor myself from speaking about this exploitation doesn’t make me more or less ablist, in my opinion.

                • possibly a cat
                  12 years ago

                  however the name/title is clearly sourced from some sort of privileged condescension since it’s meant as an insult

                  The name was created by a woman who had no romantic fortune and who had accepted it. After that, though, actors like Steve Bannon realized that men in this population were especially easily manipulable, and so they started pumping out content for them. Instead of it being self-affirming in celibacy or helpful for younger generations navigating courtship, the content was designed to create a feedback loop so that the target group’s behaviors would reinforce their involuntary celibacy unintentionally, driving them further into despair and wallowing and further from solutions to their problems. There is nothing wrong with being unintentionally celibate. However, the “incel community” does not represent the entire involuntarily celibate population. It is used to refer to the community that consumes and distributes that specific type of content.

                  A good starting place is just to search Bannon and WoW gold farming. If you get lost in the rabbit hole, you can always return to Steve Bannon to get back on the trail again.

              • Oh your feelings were hurt after you stereotyped me? Boo freaken hoo

                I am not an incel. I have been with my wife for 13 years. My eldest is 9. Before I met her I did more than alright in dating, thank you very much.

                I am not right-wing. I consider myself a centralist but in practice I vote democratic the vast majority of the time.

                I have never found crypto to be impressive but yeah I do have a few hundred in it because meh why not? I bought 20 bucks worth years ago and didn’t sell.

                As I explained to you I don’t exactly get veto power over my clients and I am not in a position where I can storm off when Koch comes by with an order. If you want a fucking purity test go work for that overpriced ice cream place in Vermont. Just don’t come crying to me when they make you watch videos about issues you disagree with. I live in the real world where it isn’t realistic to only do business with people who 100% agree with me on every issue and have never ever done something wrong.

                It’s funny how you demand this from me but wouldn’t yell at some guy working at a McDonald’s for filling Cheney’s order. Shows how consistent you are but demand that I be more consistent. Hypocrisy.

                Must be nice on that high horse. You go enjoy yourself. I am going to deal with the real world, warts and all.

                • possibly a cat
                  12 years ago

                  Hey, look, I didn’t stereotype you and I didn’t call you an incel. I think we might be talking past each other a little bit here.

                  I’m also a little concerned by your follow up posts so I’m just going to say sorry for upsetting you and leave it at this.

    • katy ✨
      42 years ago

      I wouldn’t call them nerds because they’re venture capitalists not nerds. Nerds implies some sort of technological or engineering skill or ability. Steve Jobs would qualify; not these two.

      • possibly a cat
        2 years ago

        Jobs was not nearly as tech-oriented as either Zuckerberg or Thiel.

        Edit: Now that I have a little more time I’d like to expand on this comment. Jobs was a marketer. It was Wozniak who was the techie. But he was more of an old school techie. Now that I think of it, a couple years back Woz actually made a crypto platform that was intended to crowd-fund environmentally friendly businesses. Last I checked it… was not very successful.