The headline seems to mean 81% of generation and storage capacity. When the article talks about battery storage, it only says storage, not generation.
The headline seems to mean 81% of generation and storage capacity. When the article talks about battery storage, it only says storage, not generation.
Yes. A perpetual license just means no fixed end date, not that it’s irrevocable or interminable.
You can probably get away with continuing to use ESXi free licenses even commercially, you just won’t have support. And at home, nothing is going to stop existing versions from working.
Incidentally, assuming I found the right license agreement: https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/downloads/eula/universal_eula.pdf
It doesn’t actually say it’s perpetual. It only says “The term of this EULA begins on Delivery of the Software and continues until this EULA is terminated in accordance with this Section 9”, but that section only covers termination for cause or insolvency, there is no provision for termination at VMware’s discretion. So, while I’m not a lawyer, it definitely sounds like you can continue using ESXi free.
Actually, reading further, I think the applicable license is this one: https://www.vmware.com/vmware-general-terms.html
But that one has even less language about license term and termination. Although it does define “perpetual license” as “a license to the Software with a perpetual term”, again not irrevocable or interminable.
That one was posted by a spambot, which a lot of people have blocked.
Increase account creation restrictions (you are here)
Effortlessly? No hiccups? The Apollo program alone cost $178 billion 2022 dollars between 1961 and 1972. And I’m pretty sure that they had at least one hiccup. And that doesn’t even count the other programs like Mercury or Gemini.
So yeah, you can sue for anything. But even if you know you’d never win the lawsuit, you can tie the other person up in court and waste their time and money.
No. They’re literally a meme for how bad they are on tech content: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/the-verges-gaming-pc-build-video
No, but Windows is so entrenched that they don’t need to actually be competitive in order to keep making profit. Instead, the Windows team has to invent things nobody ever wanted or needed that they can advertise to make it look like they’re still useful. Software UX polish-passes don’t make good marketing. You can’t seriously put “you know that one weird thing that only happened to a fraction of users sporadically? we fixed it” on a marketing campaign.
it’d be real cool if the mods of the biggest community on lemmy.world would actually do some moderating
ISP shittiness aside, ISPs do actually pay for Internet backbone access by the byte. Usually there are peering agreements saying “you take 1tb of traffic from us, and we’ll take 1tb of traffic from you”, whether that traffic is destined for one of their customers (someone on Comcast scrolling Instagram), or they’re just providing the link to the next major node (Comcast being the link between AT&T’s segment of the US backbone and Big Mike’s Internet out in podunk Nebraska).
And normally that works pretty well, until power users start moving huge amounts of data and unbalancing the traffic.
How? You could certainly temporarily break the boot process, but I can’t see how you’d completely brick it.
My favorite is when the sssd package maintainers don’t properly update their dependencies, so when some of the packages get updated, they don’t pull in others, and then I’m not able to log in with my external account.
It depends. I’ve used a chargeback where I sent a product back for a warranty repair, and the seller stopped responding. The bank just wanted documentation, and they put it through. I imagine you could argue for a chargeback in this case, if you used a credit card.
Also tell the person administering it to do it slowly. In my experience, most of the pain was from them doing it too fast. Something about the fluid stretching the muscle in painful ways before it can spread out, or something.
If electric bikes were the only thing allowed on back roads, you’d never be able to make enough grocery/dump/Tractor Supply runs to have time for anything else in your life.
I can’t just run an extention cord out an open window.
This is exactly what my neighbor does in his apartment.
But he has a driveway, so it’s not like he’s running it over the sidewalk or anything.
I can’t count the number of times I had to do that under ESXi, or do manual vSAN recoveries, so I found myself quite comfortable doing that in proxmox too (especially since proxmox is regular debian).
They don’t have to be stolen. Imagine some clever thief drugging your drink, then when you’re incapacitated they take your phone and press your finger to it or hold it up to your face to unlock it, then transfer all your money out of Venmo or whatever money transfer app you have on your phone.
Just now? Not after any of these? Or the fact that it’s controlled by China?
Are current laws against harassment insufficient?