They’ll just have it figured out privately. They’ve got their fingers in everything now.
Their goal is to get the masses sick and not themselves. All to further their agenda of becoming dictator-kings.
The people who curry favor will get access to medical care the masses won’t.
They won’t. They will still get the proper shots.
It’s right in line with their all for me none for thee cult.
Just like I never called french fries freedom fries, I will never call the gulf of mexico the gulf of america
People shit talk the unions because our unions are just a microcosm of the US. They are just as broken and corrupt as our government.
Request for leave is for longer term absence.
Still shitty
A lot (if not most) of vr games can be played seated though.
Sure you might technically still be moving around but it’s easy enough on you that most people - even grandma, could play.
So I don’t see that as a barrier to mainstream.
Unfortunately that seems to be the M.O. of todays unions.
Any disposable I’ve bought that doesnt have a recharge port the battery was dead with at least 20% ejuice remaining.
Bless their hearts.
Exactly, they just use prettier words. Their boot is still pushing our necks down.
The company said “we didn’t threaten to fire anyone” but I guarantee its heavily implied.
Sounds like a good judge.
No it doesn’t, at least not everwhere.
If you wanna be an idoitic asshat, and get all pissy because someone points out a flaw in your argument, thats not my problem.
“Don’t buy games with invasive user-side anti-cheats that hamper performance, and demand refunds on any game…”
1st point: AC Wasn’t there at purchase
2nd point: AC was added decades later so how can one return the game?
It’s just like every other ‘sandbox’ game out there.
About the only substance is in the early game. Then there isnt much to do but grind out a checklist to collect everything.
It gets repetitive too fast.
Removed by mod
Yes. It would make it easier to burn the jackboots down and start fresh.
Everybodys got their head shoved up their ass.
Main character syndrome is rampant.