I use SyncThing on all my computers with my phone. I’ve setup my phone to just not sync certain folders with Ignore Patterns
We’re only now starting to try and ensure spacecraft are designed in such a way that they completely break up.
Shape/size/material all have an impact on whether something completely breaks up
I’ve been looking into tube archivist actually. Want to get it set up soon and try it out.
Auto downloads, direct to Jellyfin, rules set up to delete them afterwards
True. Either wah I personally download all my music in flac/mp3s so I can have exactly what I want regardless of which service its on or not.
Well ideally nothing gets injected and you control your playlists yourself so you can choose high quality releases
YouTube Music has the biggest music catalogue since you can mix and match official and unofficial releases in your playlists.
I have not been quite satisfied with any of the self hosted streaming solutions or apps. There’s always an annoyance I have with all of them.
Just using MusicBee and syncing a subset of my library to my phone has worked the best. Syncing it using SyncThing.
I see the /s but you can always only sync a subset of your music.
This is what I do. I manage my music with MusicBee and sync a subset of the library to a folsee which is then synced with my phone.
That would be anxiety personified for me
I saw a YouTube clip explaining that they use a secondary drone to boost the signal to get around some of the jamming.
The game of cat and mouse continues.
It’s too soon. All the current forks for both yuzu and Citra are being done by people with the means and willingness to fork the original projects.
Let the dust settle, and let’s see which project has the devs willing to actually continue development where things left off.
I really wish it did not look like Spotify if I’m being honest.
Also, I think it’s missing a button to shuffle a playlist? Instead of starting it from the first song. It’s predecessor SonicXD had it, but it’s missing here.
True. But they did make it more difficult to discover RSS feeds by removing all those features.
Honestly, yeah I think that’s how it worked for me too. Reddit wasn’t exactly the same, but depending on how you curated your subreddits, it could fill a similar role.
They just seem to make wacky brain-dead decisions all the time and nobody really understands why they make the decisions they do.
I still miss Google Reader
And the internet as a whole moving away from RSS feeds in general is also not helpful
I don’t get the message but Facebook does go apeshit for me too.
It’s a good reminder to get off facebook
Immich. Wanted to exclusively use the external libraries features in read only.
Set it up once in its own Proxmox LXC under Docker. Set it up all properly started scanning my entire library. And when I woke up again it had crashed and I couldn’t recover it.
Started over the following morning and only gave it access to 2024 instead of everything. And it filled up to 30gb/40gb I gave it with thumbnails and files and such. Guess it crashed the other day because it took up too much room.
Guess I’ll start over again, and ensure all the config files and thumbnails are stored on my NAS so they can take up the space they need to without overloading the main (small SSD) on my server.