Sony AI has been a division of SIE for quite a while now. They were training AI to play Gran Tourismo years ago.
Sony AI has been a division of SIE for quite a while now. They were training AI to play Gran Tourismo years ago.
A big heat sink like they used to put on WD Raptor drives.
Hotmail still exists?
Not to defend Elmo but I feel like that’s a fairly normal thing for most species? If our ancestors didn’t have a breeding kink we wouldn’t be here.
At the risk of sounding like a shill, I like Kagi.
This why it pays to use a search engine that lets you blocklist sites
Ah another day, another Cloudflare cockup. It would be nice if the service that insists on MitM’ing a huge chunk of the internet could focus a bit more on stability.
Very cool and they should keep doing this, but no one’s CPE is going to be able to do anywhere near this speed unless they plan on giving everyone large enterprises routers for home use.
I’m not the person you were asking, but I recently tried tried Tuta with my own domain and decided to look elsewhere due to a few things;
For routine/non-sensitive email, they feel like too much hassle for the average punter in my opinion. And if I put on my industry hat; their frequent downtime is a huge red flag, and a sign that they either don’t know what they’re doing or don’t have enough cash to operate properly.
Having said that, I still think they’re the best current option if privacy/encryption is your only concern - to the best of my knowledge no one else takes that quite as seriously as they do.
If you mass edit, it’ll get restored from older versions - pointless really.
Find your top 20-30 posts and comments and manually edit them. Make them sound real, but at the same time contain complete bullshit. Anyone, or any thing reading them will be misinformed- not by you but by reddit thus making reddit less valuable.
To really be a thorn in reddits side we need to be actively, but subtly malicious.