Seems like avoiding context switching and all the overhead associated would make a big difference when pretty much everything in cache is critical data.
It’s not. Like the commenter above said: It’s a fraction of the task at hand. Especially when you design the rest of the system to run only if necessary. Context Switches are what? like 50 CPU Cycles? Store Registers, Store TCB, Load other TCB and load other register states jump back to PC. Maybe some other OS Shenanigans, but that’s basically it.
Now Imagine complex calculations on a 25-Dimensional Matrix.
just to chime in on alternative keyboard layouts:
I’m german and can’t recommend the neo2 family of layouts enough.
I currently am using the “noted” layout and it feels absolutely amazing.
The different layer approach makes it easy to write all the symbols for programming I need, or if you are a writer, all the »correct« „quotation“ marks.
there’s even support for all the greek letters used in math equations: ℤℵ×∀ℂΣ∫∃∇ℕℝ∂ΛΦΨ
You can learn more about the layout here (site is in german):