Theoretically, on the federal charges, but not any state charges (such as the ones expected to be brought in Georgia)
Of course, a self-pardon has never been tested, and while the composition of the Supreme Court should be favorable to him doing so, it’s not guaranteed that they would actually be on board. There would be a constitutional crisis if he tried to self-pardon, and the Supreme Court ruled that he could not (which could be nearly solved by impeachment of either the President or various Justices, but that will not happen under the present dysfunction of the Senate)
That’s likely to happen anyway because he put himself in a no win scenario. The hard liners’ demands can’t make it through the Senate, because even the Senate Republicans aren’t onboard with that shit.
So it’s cut a deal with the Democrats to keep the government open, and get primaried, or shutdown the government and weaken the party in 2024… And get primaried because his speakership was disastrous.
Gaetz’s imaginary door #3 doesn’t exist, and McCarthy knows it.