I actually didn’t know that much about the term. I am a dem-sexual and support LGBTQ and I wouldn’t want to be associated with people avocating against LGBTQ people or any marginalized people.
I agree, what are some of them that are known by users of Lemmy? In particular when you compare larger search engines to each other.
I’m not too familiar with maps i’ve only herd about it like 2 times. if it’s not a thing now could it become a thing a decade from now? atleast on the surface, on it’s own, distant away from LGBT.
I think I get why they are actually are allowing it, they won’t say why, but I get why. It might have something to do with maps. If you know what maps are then you’l understand, if you don’t then there’s always a chance of learning. Not like the tradition map, but it’s another definition.
Ever heard of the game i spy? and with that they are advertising gaming for a Chromebook. This may all just be a coincidence.
While these tech comapnies have people look at the how users might see phrases like “hey guys.” Not sure how Google thought people wouldn’t do the same to them with this. Chromebook’s don’t sell as well so this is the worst product to do the worst with for marketing, but at the same time maybe they really do think this and think they can get away with this meme because no one is really buying a Chromebook unless it’s like for school work. (although I actually do use my personal Chromebook on the daily i’m in that small minority.)
as you say this big companies in recent times have been working on making the web less wide, and less accessible mostly for independent sites. search engines hide sites, sometimes Playstore will take down apps. I think this is a small issue slowly turning into a big issue. and a small handful that own a bunch of the sites you commonly see will take advantage of the changing landscape.
In other words, these older extentions work just fine, no one wants the new limited features, and google is force disabling older extentions despite any outcries from its users because it can.
seems interesting, a news source from Germany. I’l bookmark it and check it out.
true, but i’m not signing up for something I check once in a blue moon. and I suppose technically it isn’t a paywall, but it could turn into to one, or it might as well be one, what else does this pop up serve, to protect the site from bots?
I’m glad you actually said that scrolling down the comment I was like, wait people are ok with this? and they don’t see that it’s a trap?
It’s a trap, this is all bad. standerlise the internet, and then they’l be able to charge you for Xbox live ons team and more
This is not a good thing for Linux users, but it is for Windows users. It’l make using the internet for basic tasks more seamless. and I think this is generally what this is going for. Not to make it seamless, but to restrict, but make it seem seamless.
If I wanted to see ads I would go on youtube or like kotaku or something.
I am proud that one of my posts on this community has reached 100 upvotes.
I did say ai. I said
“ai, but the bots.” People in this thread were actually legitly saying their stance on bots. and also on ai. which, if I’m wrong then i’m wrong, I accept the critisism. personally this post could be a meme at this point. 27 downvotes, that’s crazy on Lemmy. I hadn’t seen a post on this communitywith as many, not sure if that’s a record or not. for this community.
edit: now 26 and if any changes further, then that’s where the number is .
How did this post get nearly 200 upvotes but fewer comments, then an average post with 75-100 upvotes I mean I get this this news is shocking because it’s Samsung not apple, so it is a new leak regarding Gogole, but sheesh a lot of things this week was just about as ‘shocking’
The numbers are impressive, so i’m not necesarilly complaining, but those numbers caught my eye. congratulations op
How much money are these companies sitting on, and yet they are still capping peoples wifi down to 1tb, which is a good amount acually but nothings changed for years in many areas regarding data caps, unless you have more money or happen to be in a good u.s state with competition for internet, like Ohio.
very true, i’m supportive of poorer areas getting internet service myself. The point of the internet was to be a free resource, supported by donations when it was invented. Google deserves to lose it’s control that it’s had and token advantage of for the last 8-7 years they have no right to have as much control. Same with ISPs, just because they so happen to own the pipes we use and with little competition.
Interesting. Is this happening in the u.s? If not there might be a law for those countries making them hide it there. If you can, try searching for sepia search, its a sesrch engine for almost all peertube intances basically its as if peertube was youtube, do those countries show that?