This is my chief worry with Thread. Zigbee is guaranteed to be local only, but if they switch over to Thread, the individual bulbs will be able to call home, even if they expose some of their functionality locally via Matter. With home assistant, one can probably configure their Thread Border Router to not allow internet access, but I have a suspicion a lot of supposedly local thread/matter devices will be designed with the assumption that they have cloud access and won’t function fully if firewalled.
I use zigbee2mqtt myself and I’ve been very happy with it. I haven’t tried ZHA, but I believe z2m supports more devices. (I use z2m’s supported devices list to choose which ones to buy.) The downside is that it’s a bit more work to set up initially, as you need an MQTT broker as well. But in return, I feel like z2m is more reliable since it runs (and is updated) separate from HA core. I use it with a zzh! dongle and even though I got one of the bad ones with a faulty amplifier chip, it’s been rock solid.
As for Thread(+Matter), I’m waiting for things to settle down. Support in HA is still experimental and there are very few products out yet that use Thread. I’ll probably prefer Zigbee for as long as they sell them so all my devices will share the same mesh. Also, unlike Zigbee, Thread devices are not guaranteed to be local-only, which is my biggest worry. Thread/Matter won’t free us from having to check a device compatibility list before buying.