This falls under the category, Ban spoons
governments have to routinely publish this article template over and over again.
requiring us to have the same conversation over and over again.
Pay us to respond or react to this repetitive nonsense!
This falls under the category, Ban spoons
governments have to routinely publish this article template over and over again.
requiring us to have the same conversation over and over again.
Pay us to respond or react to this repetitive nonsense!
Nope it’s pentesting. Gotta keep up with IT terminology. If the author didn’t intend it, it’s malware.
If any spyware or back doors are found, foss community can quickly deal with it.
This happened with xz, a rogue maintainer snuck in malware which was by chance found. But there would be no chance if it were closed source or talented maintainers were so appreciated by society that they were mourned after starving to death.
Which excludes FOSS maintainers. Who should be well funded to protect our tech stacks from neglect.
Whatever you are scared of.
I’m scared of this more
this is why FOSS community goes ahead and removes untrustworthy blobs and replaces them with open source alternatives.
The open hardware is an issue, but there are efforts there as well.
They have paid and are paying themselves a never ending salary. The printing is gradual and then all at once.
We will reach infinity, make sure you get your hands on the infinity or trillion dollar note.
The entire point of a web browser is to allow scum to:
endlessly throw loginwalls and paywalls at us
load dodgy third party sites libraries
insisting on kyc as an act to show and display continuous acts of compliance
So not surprising the linked site has either a login or paywall.
Forcing a phone number is kyc. kyc is obnoxious.
I hope this is sarcasm
govts print infinite money. All of us are working for free. Their fiat is credits for the company store.
If you think funding projects is bad then the response is to support lobbying project owners to put in malware until FOSS is publically funded.
All we have to do is verbally support it. And cheerlead when it occurs. We don’t actually have to actively do it. It’s a threat which is done in politics all the time.
Step 1: all software has to be open source
Step 2: governments, required by law, to fund FOSS projects in their tech stacks. Helped by organizations which trace project funding and lobbying to promote FOSS security by providing funding; a huge incentive to not insert malware
Step 3: coders are afforded dignity (UBI); given funds geared towards affording a maintenance team. Regardless of country of origin. Vital infrastructure is vital infrastructure. Talent is talent.
I support this move to Step 1
Where is the list of pauper gov’ts which force talent to get a job rather than be a talent and then maintain their projects with dignity!
Those jobs are mostly nonsense. Geared towards wasting our time building:
yet another stupid web site
yet another stupid smartphone app
yet another stupid cloud base server instance
Thank you for posting the link