Yeah. Guess some AI companies may have set up an instance already. They won’t even have a rate limit or anything on their own instances.
Yeah. Guess some AI companies may have set up an instance already. They won’t even have a rate limit or anything on their own instances.
I have this option in my 1plus, Oppo, Assus. So, I thought that they are standard already. Good to know.
But is the option available on every phone?
I see that features in phones that I’ve used within the past 5 years. Isn’t it a standard feature?
I thought it was available in every brand already.
It exists in OnePlus, Oppo and Assus.
Just press windows+d bro.
I forgot that the button exists.
an overpaid piece of garbage
Connection between PC and XBox is a feature that I didn’t know I would love so much before. The family is occupying the TV, fine I could fire the same game up on the PC.
As more solar panels are installed, more material and maintenance are required. They deteriorate over time, and require large physical areas.
I guess at that point, each panel needs to be extremely efficient to limit the space, extremely durable, made of cheap materials, easily recyclable into another panel.
Yeah, that’s a legitimate concern, but letting this technology die along with a dying company is a waste. Imagine it getting brought by some patent trolls who wouldn’t do anything with it.
But still, if the technology is open, then someone may design some compatible replacement hardware. Imagine some makers community rig a replacement for the blind without carrying about profitability.
Yeah UV light alone is safe, but by the end of the article it mentioned that far-UV light also triggers a chemical reaction that creates ozone, which is dangerous. It needs a good ventilator system to make it safer.
There are A4 e-readers. Bamboo note for example.
Not at all. Bluetooth earbuds are too convenient for me. I could just leave my phone anywhere in the house playing podcasts while playing with my baby.
Yeah, anything is better than going to the office. Wish people are more responsive on Slack, though.
Joke on me. My company is full remote work, but add more meetings because we have to communicate live somehow, even though we can work asynchronously. Less focus time for me.
I haven’t researched this enough, but Tesla says that they are level 3, but never bother to get the actual approval is like how I kept saying that I’m smart, but too lazy back in my school years.
Put your money where your mouth is. Life are at stake here.
The most advanced that’s not even on autonomous level 3. It’s funny that Mercedes is the first to get level 3 approval in California and they don’t even boasting that as much.
That aside, a secondary sensor that help verifying if the vision get it right would be nice. It could be just a radar or whatever. Imagine if the vision fail to recognize a boy in a Halloween costume as a person, at least the secondary sensor will the car to stop due to contradict perception.
Think of that Coyote and the roadrunner cartoon. If there’s a graffiti that looks like a tunnel the coyote may run into the tunnel based on vision alone, but a secondary sensor will help telling that there’s a wall.
Irl, If the vision failed to recognize that there’s something on the road, at least a secondary sensor will protest that there’s something on the road.
Maybe they were afraid that the burning man would run at them.