While I do rant about jobseeking, I do appreciate the job provider I’m with (since I’m still in the probation period of this job). Like a previous one I was in honestly made me suicidal because of the things I had to do. And while my current provider still sucks (I am disabled and find walking tough, but they expected people to come back into the office, I couldn’t even do like one week phone call, one week go in like I was doing), but they make me less suicidal. That and they do offer things to me, like vouchers for ubers to work and they’re covering 3 driving lessons (haven’t had a lesson since way before the pandemic).
So yeah, being on Jobseeker is such a poverty trap. It’s made to feel like hell on Earth.
I know Critical Role didn’t have that rule in their contract, especially since they bring so much to the platform.