Yeah that’s the shocking point for me
Yeah that’s the shocking point for me
Where’s Luigis brother Mario to help him out
Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think this article is talking about a network switch, I think it’s talking about a logic gate switch.
You know that Hezbollah is a part of their government right? They have seats in their parliament. So even if they just attacked “Hezbollah” they attacked politicians, politicians in their homes with their families. If anyone directly targeted U.S. governors or congresspeople, or godforbid knesset members, all of the same people would be screaming murder and terrorism from the tops of hills. This is blatant racism.
It was targeted at Gaza what more do you want? /s
I wholeheartedly agree. We could get prescribed years of medication, because the expiration date on medication isn’t even true.
I have this problem. My doctor tried to get me 2 months of my medication and the pharmacist said, “yOuR iNsUrAnCe DoEsN’t clCoVeR tHaT.” Ain’t painkillers or anything, literally my drug to keep me alive. If I wanted to OD theres a lot of easier drugs you could get without a pharmacist.
They lost their position because they weren’t hard enough on students. Cops raided many universities, breaking up protests and arresting students. California is passing an anti protesting law. Congress literally called in University leaders for questioning the “anti semitism” on their campuses. The only reason universities did anything against the protests in the first place is because of the pro Israel position of the US government.
Well except when all those students protested for Gaza.
Okay christo fast, keep touching those kids.
I know! You’re the party of young marriages right? The party of priests touching kids?
Only weirdo here is you, pro touching kids party.
Damn, just take the L bro
And you just broke rule 5.
Well, Florida has all the nutters.
This is giving “I like the taste of boot”.
Why you keep lyin bro
The only thing this shit bag needs is a guillotine to lay in.
Jpg is a lossy compression algorithm. Statistical probability of words occuring in sequence is not compression. That’s like saying generative images are compression, they aren’t. It’s not producing blurry matches of images, it’s producing something “novel”. Otherwise, that would be considered over fitting the data.
For you