Absolutely ran into fake CVs and people farming off the interview to 3rd party interview factories. Not at all surprised this was happening. Can’t say I ran into North Koreans but a lot of recruitment agencies were passing people on with little to no vetting. You’d interview someone on camera and they’d be a different person once everything was signed. Given how hard it was to correct that they’d still walk away with a few weeks salary, even in your states with at will contracts it’s super difficult to let anyone go.
Not surprising. There’s a part of the Shopify careers site that has a letter you have to acknowledge that says (paraphrased): Care more about the ability to sell than what people sell, and if feel you might disagree with what people sell then this isn’t the workplace for you. They really drill that point home on the site and in interviews, not surprising their stance is ‘no comment’.
(I didn’t get the job)