A horse? Seriously? No way can this guy win against a horse. Have you seen horses? They’re huge.
A horse? Seriously? No way can this guy win against a horse. Have you seen horses? They’re huge.
I don’t know who needs to hear this:
Unity sucks, but death threats are not okay.
If you really want to stop shit like this, vote in progressive legislators. So we can codify the fact that corporate actions influence more ppl than just the shareholders and their actions should reflect that.
Edit: thanks everyone for correcting me. I meant not okay.
The difference is most certainly not small. It’s very noticeable. I also love the veggie options, but your position is kind of like saying:
If there’s one dish where I feel it’s a waste to eat animal meat fusilli, it’s hamburgers pasta. Vegetarian alternatives Spaghetti has come a long way and in a burger pasta dish, they’re often the superior option.
Yeah… Being asked to defend the pro-pedophilia position of your company may be a sign that you should quit. Or be the guy who defended pedophiles in parliament. I dunno.
It’s a classic “rules for thee, but not for me” law. Good Faith judgment means the rich an powerful get access to while the poor and minorities do not.
Tbf, I don’t think he’s lying about his explicit desire to a dictator.