maybe try being less of a condescending ass
maybe try being less of a condescending ass
same except i haven’t felt there’s a problem. get better friends.
SCOTUS knows that Haley polls better against Biden than Trump does. It’s in the interest of their owners that they block him from running.
“credibility” gtfo that’s hilarious.
hey guys you need credibility to be a random jackoff on a forum with an opinion now.
This is how I’m learning there’s an emulator for Switch games.
Funny thing is Switch was the first Nintendo device I’d even considered buying since GBC, but now that I know I can use my own hardware instead of paying through the nose for a locked-down Pi with a tiny screen and a shitty doll-size controller I’ll probably go that route instead. If I decide their branded shovelware is even worth playing in 2024 that is.
the internet is just stuff on various computers, most of which are privately owned - imagine someone complaining that their free speech rights override your right to control your property, because you took down a note stuck to your door. “dystopic tool for social control” dude go meet your neighbors and make some connections that matter instead of worrying about forcing yourself onto as many strangers’ screens as possible. so fuckin dramatic.
i don’t think it even rises to the bar of a free speech issue, honestly. it’s akin to throwing a tantrum because someone took your jerkass note off the corkboard, it was a courtesy to let it stay there in the first place.
ITT people worry their hate speech won’t be seen
honestly it would make sense and i didn’t doubt it until I saw it was on PinkNews - it’s not about bias, it’s about their headlines too often being the exact opposite of the real story (when there even is a real story; much of their content is sensationalized nothings). Just absolute crap reporting. Thanks for providing the original source.
sees headine oh, that’s good news!
sees source oh it’s gay fox, which means it’s probably sensationalized to the point that the headline is a lie, because that’s what they do over there.
that’s a matter of dialect, both spellings are widely used and recognized as correct by english speakers the world over, versus “anglification” being entirely made up by one joker trying to flex how smart they are.
as an aside I really don’t understand the pissing contest over minor spelling variations between the two major dialects of English (a large part of which, a devoted pedant must note, is merely bastardizations of French words), what gets me is stuff that’s the same word for totally different things depending on where you are like chips, biscuit, thong, napkin, pants, etc.
if we’re gonna randomly pedant on people it’s “anglicization”. not that anyone cares.
shitty fearmongering propaganda outlet does shit thing to their website that will only drive away users thereby hampering their own ability to propagandize and fearmonger. no sorry i don’t see what’s wrong with this picture. never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.
so? nothing worth reading there anyway.
useful to me, a non-android user who clicked because the title doesn’t say anything about it.