Since we so want to advertise Lemmy on Reddit, perhaps we should buy some ads on Reddit and let it run for a month. What do you think? I will start a Patreon and chip in 0.0001 cent? Anyone with me?
That will show reddit we mean business and want to take reddit down!!! /s
I find it ironic that so many people who hates Reddit can spend so much time creating content on Reddit. Haha.
Sorry, but where is the mess? Sounds like lots of people are still actively engaged with Reddit. That’s sounds good for any investors of Reddit for sure…
IMHO the graph is not misleading. It is telling the story that more people are dying due to heat related issues. But yes, you may be right, that the older population contributes to this more but this does not mislead in any way that more people of dying to due heat related issues…
Well, at least he has the “sink” in…
Sad that he can’t Grab Them By The Posse!!!