The old dude that reported him was literally full faced giving an interview on TV. Forgot which outlet but I don’t think they care about his identity.
The old dude that reported him was literally full faced giving an interview on TV. Forgot which outlet but I don’t think they care about his identity.
I will walk to where I need to go before I fly spirit or frontier.
4 months is a pitiful sentence for this rotting bag of feces.
But will the money be returned to the victims? Doubtful.
TL:DR: Israel and Iran are the source of the spoofing.
I only see one side committing genocide here…
God their UI is horrendous.
Oh that’s where 6 Sigma comes from. TIL
Lol they will just plop out using the weight of their front body and head
So is the argument now we should act like China? Thought this was America, land of freedom of speech or whatever.