I am not disagreeing with people using adblockers, the guy I responded to brought up TOS, I just corrected him about what they are because he misunderstands them.
I am not disagreeing with people using adblockers, the guy I responded to brought up TOS, I just corrected him about what they are because he misunderstands them.
The TOS are your licence to watch the copyrighted material, be it by paying a subscription or consuming ads. So if you break the TOS you’re committing piracy. It’s very clearly piracy, although I don’t condemn it.
I love the displays they put into cheap phones, but other than that they charge too much a premium for features that now should be standard such as fast and/or wireless charging
We got only 90.5% coverage but my graph also looks great
I don’t know the site that much, but I know that “harmful to minors” can mean anything.
I think he means pages are presented as static html+css pages, generated dinamically on the back end
I think NCAPs are not government institutions, but I agree that funding, oversight and more power to recall, and even ban the sale of vehicles, is ought to be given to them.
Probably federation would have started with him, knowing how he wanted to keep reddit open source and for more people to have their own servers
I totally agree, just explained OP’s point
I agree, I’m just explaining OP’s logic
The point of contention here is not that OP doesn’t like this kind of verification, but that he believes that Twitter is making up the sign in attempt to get OP to actually log in and report higher usage metrics in Q3.
I don’t think OP opposes 2FA, at least not from the info he posted.
The cruelty she exercises is very relatable to a lot of people who know people like her, even if not as extreme.
Mexican United States*
I don’t know how common it is, I don’t want to blurt a wrong opinion about it.
That said, a friend of mine went to the US to work as a construction manager for a few months and he was given an F750 for the time he was there by the construction company. It was kitted with a small box that was too high to actually use and really they only used it to posture about how important their position was.
I understand this might not be common at all, I’m not saying it is, I just want you to understand how this doesn’t happen anywhere else at all.
It’s just that, it is such a crazy thing to exist that it just boggles the mind. It’s excessive even for most commercial applications.
Can you generate a random key that you only serve to reddit and changes voluntarily? That would pretty much just serving them noise, although unique noise.
I don’t think we should teach that sex is wrong or bad, but yeah, she probably is experienced in what can go wrong and can talk from more experience than most of us.
Just finishing purchasing a car in mexico, pretty much no hidden fee and a reasonably low cost of debt considering the high government interest rate we have.
I think you guys have the problem of having the government in bed with dealerships, they hold way too much power and don’t even try to compete if they can cooperate against the consumer.
I hope the volvo ex30 has a lot of success with it’s size, price and speed.
Good recipe, you can change butter for lard and it’s much better but i understand not everyone likes lard.
I hope byd buys them for pennies on the dollar and they keep people employed
But most importantly I hope it’s for pennies on the thousands of dollars