it really do be as simple as that. computers made data effortless to reproduce and distribute yet people are unironically against it because publishers don’t get to profit off every single copy.
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. - Malcolm X
mexicanist geopolitics nerd
it really do be as simple as that. computers made data effortless to reproduce and distribute yet people are unironically against it because publishers don’t get to profit off every single copy.
Ask yourself who do these IP laws protect.
Hint: It’s not you or the writer.
The shady vendors of the deep web must’ve made a big buck with the cryptocurrency boom.
How can DRM be fair to the consumer 😂 it is inherently unfair to consumers.
Yeah of course, you can always trick people into believing something has value when it doesn’t. But as long as you know where value comes from, no one can trick you into buying a Pokemon card.
Precious metals are commodities, money is used to exchange commodities. Using a commodity as money is obsolete. I get that youre mad at the feds but that’s a systemic problem, not moneys fault. Its like getting mad at biotech for the practices of Bayer.
These commodities are not inherently valuable, the labour required to extract them is what gives them valuable.
Ignore rent inflation and sure, wages are keeping up 😅
What internalizing articles from “the economist” does to a mfer.
Yea, because its good for them 😅
This is just plain wrong. The majority of people don’t get to “decide” to spend/save, they live paycheck to paycheck. The people that can make that decision are actually incentivized to NOT spend but to “invest” (aka loan) because interest rates are higher, and thus get better returns.
Inflation is really a wealth transfer from the poorest to the wealthy since wages don’t keep up with inflation.
Now you can figure out why deflation is considered a bad thing by mainstream media.
It boils down to poor people are poor because they don’t invest, and rich people are rich because they invest 😂 nothing else matters!
The only one talking about vaults of cash is the comment i replied to 😂 what no reading comprehension does to a mfer, the “vaults of cash” is something he pulled out of his ass.
What i am saying is that he is dumb to think rich people are rich because they invest and poor people are poor because they don’t invest.
You can’t be this dumb 😂
Money goes from the billionaires to the millionaires that owns the yacht companies 😅
in a thread about “getting americans more angry at each other is ccp propaganda” you’re literally invoking mccarthyism 😂
Because mainstream media said so!
Tbf uber pool DID help in theory alleviate a bit of traffic but americans are allergic to sharing rides. And even then buses are several times more efficient.
You used to call taxis to pick you up not just wait for one to randomly pass LMAO, that was solved by cellphones. Individual Uber drives do not solve anything, it is still one car to take one person somewhere, it does reduce parked cars tho. Uber pool did help alleviate traffic but its hard for americans to share rides for some stupid reason, and even then a bus would be more efficient.
In theory it just reduced parked cars. If 100 people need to go somewhere at the same time, you still need 100 ubers to do it.
Uber pool would actually reduce cars in circulation but for some reason americans can’t share rides and even then buses are just a better way to do it.
Exactly, that’s what determines your class. Low/middle/high class does not make it clear, it further divides workers.
lol this is a crazy