What are you even talking about? Are you talking about a specific website? There are…so many misspelled words and run-on sentences…I’m done trying to decipher this. Is English your first language?
What are you even talking about? Are you talking about a specific website? There are…so many misspelled words and run-on sentences…I’m done trying to decipher this. Is English your first language?
We think about that a lot here in DC as politicians from generic Midwestern shitholes dictate local city policy to us 😭
Brendan Eich worked really hard to turn himself into just another tech bro incel but Brave is a really good browser and the engineers deserve to not have their accomplishments overshadowed by a weird adult obsessed with other people’s genitals.
They created a novel and interesting approach to ads with their BAT token and Brave is probably the most private browser you can get if you’re stuck with Chromium browsers.
As often as I’ve tried to switch to Firefox I always end up encountering issues and going back to Brave. I wish he’d step down so Brave can shine without his bullshit whining hanging over them.
I might dislike the stress of driving more than your average car fucker, but I’ll take the crowded bus over freeway traffic any day.
Actually, I’d probably take neither. When the metro here in DC gets too crowded I usually just stop and get a drink or dinner. It gets me out and exploring new parts of the city and I can drink all I like since I don’t have to get my stupid car home later.
That’s a kind of freedom you will never get with a car.
googles “chess sex toy cheating”
That episode of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia was based on a real event??
Dr. Twinkletits is a genius
Not with idiots fighting it every step of the way to make sure it’s as unreliable or nonexistent as possible.
Driving is the most expensive and dangerous way to get around, ironically championed by the party of “fiscal responsibility”.
Train tracks would have been cheaper to build (and maintain), take up far less space and be far better for the local economy. Hell, just investing the money on buses would have been far more efficient.
This is also the result of the fact that getting around without a car is likely impossible in most cases so the only option is illegals driving illegally.
Where did anyone say that?
Nobody is forcing anything stop with the fake hysteria. it’s ok to make it legal to build apartments in more places if people want to.
They never really recovered from the 2008 financial collapse. That’s when everything became a sequel/prequel/reboot. Technology and streaming didn’t help but I remember it happening really fast after 2008.
It’s an old code sir, but it checks out.
You get what you pay for with free news. I’ve been subscribed to The Economist for a few years and all my news is delivered calmly and emotionlessly and backed up by data and research.
I feel much better and I’m still up to date on real news, not political theatre and recreational rage.
Can’t get hacked if all your services are down because you can’t get those cocksuckingmothershitbitchingassbastard routing tables right 🤯
I laughed but I dunno about you guys but I don’t publicly self host anything. If you can’t auth via ssh or VPN then you’re not accessing a damn thing from my home network. I’ve got multiple routers that I could set up some isolation with but it’s just too close to home.
I’m very sad for you if your native language is English