We wanted to know how good his 5g reception is
We wanted to know how good his 5g reception is
City cops don’t live near the people they police.
Libs take the cash from Google and hand it directly to Chatham Asset Management. 0 benefit to actual Canadian media or Canadians 👍
Used mine every day until that phone’s screen stopped responding and at the time none of the otherwise decent phones with decent prices had a jack. Headphone jack will remain a consideration in my next phone purchase once this one dies.
What gets defined as the “news industry” and who gets to define it? We already have too much foreign owned corporate news media in this country so how much of that money will just go right into the hands of the propagandists to tip the scales further in their favour?
I’m going to be seeing Dune and if that ends with me wanting to throw things at people I will just stream or download movies for the foreseeable future. I love the theater experience as intended but apparently my expectations are way off from the reality now.
Could the selection be intentional? A silly unenforceable case to open the door for a more comprehensive invasion of privacy on platforms to make discussion and hosting discussion of piracy into a riskier endeavor?
Imagine if they gave some or all of it to an Amazon union drive. A prank of historical proportions