Kinda reminds me of the rally fighter.
Kinda reminds me of the rally fighter.
I am also using the same method and hoping the same thing. I doubt we will have to do the song and dance just because it is very much a developer feature test route and they have had extension functionality previously in the regular release.
Also looking forward to pulling back to stable build.
Fear not friend, you are not alone. I too am slowly switching over, and these things take time. We are truly victims of a great bait and switch, with our digital lives held hostage. We never asked for this.
Most underrated solution!
Nuh-Uh, you provide the snacks, and the fin provides the juicy content chosen directly by you.
So, really, It gives you choice, and the freedom to choose… and that is what makes America so Great. (This silly remark brought to you by the movie currently streaming over jellyfin: Thank You For Smoking)
Far as I’m concerned, Plex can eat it’s dry ass privacy cookies all it wants.
Like, I know we are on this platform to get fucked, but none of us consented to their Xtra money gouging kink. Seriously, the app becomes worse by the day.
I just wanna hook up, not be hooked to some shit-tier-feature-block-$ubscription-bullshit their incompetent hacks have spat out.
Fuck the corpos. Unionize! Support work-from-home doctrine! Build open platforms!
If you close your eyes, you can metaphorically hear the tides changing on the music streaming industry. The fall of Netflix is such a stark reminder of how fast these convenient services can morph into user hostile experiences.
Plus, there is the added philosophical discussion about what it means to allow a centralized corporate media conglomerate to curate your music for you. I’d imagine that their insentivisation structure over what should be heard is different than yours.
For serious though, I hypothesize that your library/playlist data (xml, maybe? somewhere? I’m just starting the journey of offloading.) is more valuable to users than the music itself. Next step is figuring out how to export Spotify’s data.
Could you do a solid prank for this random internet stranger and queue up the following:
8 x one favorite slightly annoying song (‘moves like jagger’, or ‘we built this city’ would be my suggestion)
1 x Photograph (pause for the unison sigh of relief from the patrons)
1+ x the same slightly annoying song played in a row already.
I’ll bring popcorn.