The righteous gemstones is lit. I also wouldn’t have max if I had to pay for it though.
The righteous gemstones is lit. I also wouldn’t have max if I had to pay for it though.
I’m not an arborist and we don’t have those type of tree where I live, but I have worked in landscaping before. My understanding any substantial trimming like that I’ve done in the past should never be done in the hottest part of the year because the tree will have trouble retaining water.
Lottery paid for my college education so yeah I don’t mind throwing 2 bucks at it every once is a while.
As a hunter I own quite a few, but guess what? They are all fucking locked up in a safe and I don’t have any children, just my wife and I. How anyone could have children and think it’s ok to leave a firearm around is asinine.
What a gorgeous goof
I ordered an OrangePi 3 recently for pihole purposes and it has been great, it’s also probably overkill for this use but hey it was actually in stock and not terribly expensive.