Wow. Windows 11 truly works against itself. (Though I expect MSFT to patch it within the week)
Sup. Was from Venomnik0@lemmy.world
Wow. Windows 11 truly works against itself. (Though I expect MSFT to patch it within the week)
I still can’t believe these release groups do their services for free. Godbless.
Does cheating in games justify downright deactivating custom accessories?
Wow you should run as governor. I should you give you a suggestion between Florida or Texas.
He should start charging the users to make up for the loss ;) (praying and hoping this damn site dies soon)
Time to rethink Windows 10 support cycle then?
This doesn’t stop Microsoft. It only encourages them to do it harder.
I came here just to say this. I usually now just download shit on my ipod so its godtier to get away from the soon to be overpriced streaming services
Thank you for this. Usually I go to my universities’ underground radio station but this works just as well :)
I see this exact thread every week now and it’s between the same people:
“Oh ok i stopped using it” to “Naw i’ll keep using brave”
At this point can we stop this? Brave is trash but people are either too stubborn or just don’t care anymore (which is ironic). Either mods just pin this thread and treat this as a “brave is trash” megathread or I don’t know.
Honestly, I don’t even think it’ll be S mode. Just Home really and for pro users they’ll end up with the subscription model
Oh no im not saying that about myself. left a long time ago when he started rate limiting and funding right leaning mfs. I’m just trying to imagine wby people stay on a service like that. I kinda hope elon starts charging for twitter so when i see who actually pays for it, its gonna be much easier to cut them off.
paying for twitter
and if they got a gun or call the cops back on you? Are you just gonna say “they broke my window so i broke his” Good luck with assault charges you and him will share or a bullet whichever you one you’ll get.
Not even. Remember he was funding people like Andrew Tate thousands of dollars. Nothing is gonna get these people out unless they get charged to use twitter
Its between the “it might take away jobs” to “spotify might use podcasters voices without consent”. I’m more on the latter but thats as if Spotify would end up being the “only” podcast streaming platform.
A bunch of my friends laughed when I said I was sad this service was ending because they were like “wtf? Who gets/uses DVDs??”
As they later pay $17 a month (and soon maybe even more) to barely watch any movies or have their favorite and shows get removed or cancelled for no reason.
A chip in our brain is not necessary enough for animals to be literally sacrificed for “future human trials”
Go back to farming dogecoin or some shit
You know elon will try no matter what.
I’m so glad people are calling Bluesky out for the trash service it is. I just mastodon outlasts this crap and we get more people on there than bluesky
This is incredibly off topic here considering the fact we’re mostly talking about Google and the company giving a market advantage to companies that could cut them some “deals”