There are, but the jobs available pay like $1 or 2 a day
There are, but the jobs available pay like $1 or 2 a day
I’m sorry are we all gonna just gloss over the “what’s your ASVAB score bro” response?
Possible but not probable.
How can eyes be real if our eyes see no real eyes
Do you not understand how banter works? Have you never had a conversation with friends before? I mean the guy is a douche but you don’t need to just make wild shit up, there’s plenty of ACTUAL things he’s done to not like him before you start lying
I watched the whole thing, no where in that does he threaten anyone. He’s a pompous douche promoting his movie but he doesn’t remotely threaten anyone
Doesn’t she, as a public figure, whose tweets (xhits?) will reach millions, have more of an onus of responsibility on her to fact check herself? I do agree with you on the fact that she’s not ENTIRELLY denying the holocaust and to put her in the same camp as those who do DOES weaken what that means, 100% agreed on that. She’s not a holocaust denier, she just denies some specific things that happened in the holocaust. It’s still SUPER shitty and SUPER wrong but yes, agreed, she’s not going around spouting “it never happened!” shit. I just came into this conversation but I appreciate your input all the same
PS Rowling is a hateful bigot
Doesn’t anyone who actively tries to defend literal Nazis by saying “wait wait guys the Nazis weren’t THAT bad” https://www.thedailybeast.com/jk-rowling-adds-holocaust-denialism-to-her-transphobia warrent like…an immediate “this fucker is insane” thing? I mean if you’re trying to defend someone who is trying to defend WW2 Nazis I think you’re in the wrong camp is all
I would pay oodles to read Doanne Dathleen Rowling’s version of events.
Why do you say that? There’s heaps and heaps of evidence of her believing she’s right, I’d honestly like to hear this take.
Yes, that’s…that’s what I’m saying lol. Which is why your argumentative nature of the post confused me. And still does. Well, sorta. She DOESNT know she’s wrong because she 100% believes she’s right and everyone else are the “bad guys”. That’s my whole point. She DOESNT GET that she’s wrong. It’s everyone ELSE who is wrong.
If your business cannot exist with paying employees appropriate wages then that is a failure in the business and the business does not deserve to exist. That’s what these capitalists love, right? Oh they’re only upset when the system works against THEM, that’s right.
I’m heavily confused by this. If she thought she was doing wrong she’d do the whole apology tour. Which she hasn’t, as you said. Your two paragraphs don’t play well with each other. She has exactly doubled down, which means she thinks she’s right so I have no idea what point you’re trying to argue.
Trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) are a thing. I’m not sure why but it is. There are many. From what I’ve seen it’s mainly women who are SO heavily misandrist and hateful of men they think any trans woman is still a man and therefore out to rape and kill them by design, but I haven’t looked that deep into the bigotry.
No one is apologizing for her. You felt like crap when you did something wrong because you realized it was wrong. Good people make mistakes and learn from them. People should be like you. She thinks she’s doing right and is a pig headed bigot. People should not be like her.
In her mind she IS fighting for “right vs wrong”. She’s just REALLY fucking wrong about which side is “right”. One of the biggest things I’ve learned in life is that EVERYONE thinks that they’re the hero. That they’re doing good and the “others” are the bad guys. Rowling is a piece of a shit but she THINKS she’s the good guy and that’s the most dangerous part of all.
I don’t comment often and I do know you Squid but you’re wrong on this. Aldi had great food and especially great produce. I’ve been going there for more than 3 years exclusively.
He doesn’t want the job. That’s kinda the point. We could use someone who doesn’t WANT the job but does it anyway.
I was watching this Korean show, they made a whole huge deal about a corporation stealing 5 billion won from the public. I literally burst out laughing when I googled the conversion and it’s 3.5 mil USD, big corporations here steal that amount in a quarter second just by breathing yet in Korea it’s apparently an amount worthy of its own entire show. US is such a fucked oligarchy.