“abortion pill reversal” sounded like bullshit to me, so I looked it up.
Here’s what ACOG has to say: Facts Are Important: Medication Abortion “Reversal” Is Not Supported by Science
“abortion pill reversal” sounded like bullshit to me, so I looked it up.
Here’s what ACOG has to say: Facts Are Important: Medication Abortion “Reversal” Is Not Supported by Science
Friend of mine showed a screenshot that the official FLOTUS was just renamed to add “archive”
Maybe it’s time for a food journal. I used to keep one, but instead of logging everything, I’d log when I had symptoms and what I’d eaten most recently. I don’t know if that method would work super well for reflux but it’s an idea if logging absolutely everything becomes a chore.
I think that’s why you’d be hard pressed to find Daria in its original form too: music licensing.
FMLA is job protection and is not about pay. Not every job offers sick time. I don’t know what percentage of salary STD covers. IIRC FMLA is only applicable to larger companies.
People shouldn’t have to dig into sick time or take Short Term Disability after having a baby just to maybe get paid for a few days or weeks, maybe at 100% if they’re lucky.
Somehow he still believes he did nothing wrong. Unbelievable. But somehow believable. Ugh.
Certainly not all scary. I don’t work with these that collect the data but wonder if it isn’t just some deviceData.collect() function or something.
I just installed this and am trying the app tracking protection (it’s in beta, for those reading who haven’t used it). Shockingly, Candy Crush Soda doesn’t come up with a list of junk being tracked. whew or something
Here’s a screenshot from Discord:
The best was that you couldn’t see people’s legs moving when they walked.
This doesn’t apply to a front loader, does it?