He/Him A sometime poet. ADHD and unmedicated. Human, imperfect, but trying.
Two songs that describe me best: “New World Man” by Rush https://youtu.be/xTqUMwyFsic
“I’m a Man You Don’t Meet Every Day” by The Pogues https://youtu.be/FJt4y4fH938
Try LibreWolf or Floorp.
Most definitely! You even get those features in the free tier.
It has note version history. https://help.notesnook.com/note-version-history
I got the announcement via my Skiff mail. I went to get on their Discord to see what was up, but it’s gone. They nuked it.
Shady AF.
I’ll throw in a recommendation for Notesnook. It’s available on all platforms, syncs across devices, is e2e encrypted, handles tables, and you can organize notes via notebooks, If you need to get a bit more granular, you can subdivide notebooks via topics. It also handles markdown. I pay around $5.00/month for a pro account, and am getting more than my money’s worth.
I’m a happy Notesnook user
If I can get a custom ROM to work on my current phone, I’m all for it! I was looking at specific unlocked phone brands because some custom ROMS are optimized for that hardware.
I can’t uninstall the Facebook app from my phone (not unless I use ADB), so it’s disabled. I uninstalled Messenger. I pinned a post on my FB page that said if people needed to contact me they can email me or text me. I have posted about why folks should leave these platforms until I am blue in the face. If they want to make the switch, they will. If they want to reach out, they will.
Eventually, I want to get an unlocked phone, load a custom ROM, and tell the big platforms to fuck off. I resent how difficult they have made that, and I resent how complacent we have become because of it.
Agreed. And Feinstein barely knows what’s going on. Pelosi and the establishment dems are just using her to keep a seat. It’s freaking elder abuse, at least in her case.
The GOP remind me of the Skeksis from “The Dark Crystal”.
The whole Recall thing is what finally made me get off my lazy ass and make the jump to Linux. I chose PopOS, and I’ve been very impressed with the out-of-the-box experience. Between Steam and Lutris, I can play just about any game I want to.
It feels like I actually own my laptop now.