My Ikea fridge has this info as well!
My Ikea fridge has this info as well!
I clicked the link and that was actually pretty interesting.
I was always confused by how kcal and Calories are the same in the US, but apparently it’s the capital C that is the difference. Surely some marketing ploy from the past that stuck.
Wait, this exact one? Cause we have it and that could be interesting
He was focusing on the caboose
Have you had your apartment checked for carbon monoxide?
Four wheels, a steering wheel, few windows and a some solar panels up top.
We have hand scanners you can take with you through the store. I pack everything into collapsible crates as I go, so at the checkout it’s just putting the scanner back and paying.
You also have to count thousands of penguins and sort about 25,000 letters.
If there ever was a job posting that should include what it pays, this is it.
This message brought to you by the guy that punches his wall.
Honestly if you’re going to scam someone with the promise of cute kitten pictures, you could at least look up some pictures.
More like NBA emblems
Comment I replied to said information.
Including your personal information?
Yeah you can deduce what’s under the hood from who you have to call when it breaks lol. I believe when needed to call Whirlpool for the dishwasher and the induction plate and Electrolux for the fridge. Mind you that all three appliances broke in the 4 years we’ve had the kitchen. The induction plate, twice.