No charge for extra power!
8mm parabellum, 6.62x51, 6.62x39, 4.46x45, 11.7x108…
Different gallons. One US gallon is 0.832674 UK gallons, or 3.785412 liters.
“An important day for Canada and, therefore, the world”
You have a point; some EVs like the Leaf don’t even have conditioning. The Volt does have active conditioning, and being a PHEV instead of a BEV has battery charge and discharge limits which were limited by the factory to preserve longevity at the expense of being able to charge to a true 100%. If extra range is needed the ICE is activated instead of stressing the traction battery.
It would be fun to have a Bollywood style flashmob show up at one of these stores.
You wanna know what? If they’ve got a problem with meat standards then they’ve got a problem with me, so I suggest they let that one marinate!
I like wX on F-Droid.
You wanted Firechat. It was closed-source, though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FireChat
While stopped, keep it in first gear and hold the clutch. Plan an escape path ahead of time and park at a slant if you have to. Using your mirrors, remain vigilant of traffic approaching from behind. Safe rides! 🏍️✌️
I would wonder about shared loads on the mains causing undesirable power factors or other electrical noise. I’d check that the mains frequency remains within specification as well: 50/60Hz ± 3Hz according to APC.
l’ll speak up for airplanes, or at least airliners in particular. I concede the point they mostly burn non-renewable fuels, but they make excellent use of the resources. Rhetorically speaking, one can cross half the planet in half a day, for not much money, in a mode of transport that is the safest on the planet (typically an order of magnitude safer than cars as I recall).