I’ve never met a well-adjusted homeschooled kid.
— former homeschooled kid
I’ve never met a well-adjusted homeschooled kid.
— former homeschooled kid
That’s fair. Still, though, something is needed.
Oh, absolutely. The internet adds the layer of anonymity, too, so that certainly doesn’t help.
I agree. 15 years is hardly “life” in prison, though. I think it’s more than fair.
That’s fair, and I get it. To me, that’s absolutely radical, especially if it was my child who was harmed.
I personally have just learned from experience that people who get off easy are likely to continue on the path of destructive behavior.
I’m not necessarily calling for her death or anything… but the punishment needs to fit the crime. Two lives are permanently gone from this world because of the careless and stupid choices she made.
I’m not sure you know what the word “reactionary” means if you think that my comments and opinions were “reactionary”.
The family can grieve, and my opinion has no bearing on the outcome of whatever happens. My point was, in the end, no matter what the reason, there needs to be consequences for someone who killed people, regardless of what the grieving parties think. I don’t think that’s particularly radical.
It’s a sad and awful situation al around. I can see why those poor families just want to move on.
That’s fine, but she still made a conscious decision to do it. If she was one year older, would that make any kind of difference?
And let me be clear: mental illness can make some behaviors more understandable, but not murder– if the blame is put solely on mental illness, all that does is put more stigma on it. Not every shitty decision people make is because of “mental illness”.
It’s a nice sentiment, but…
This was premeditated. She needs to be held accountable and have consequences for what she willfully and knowingly did.
She literally killed people. I’m not sure this can be a case of “forgive and let her off lightly.”
besides the admins of both instances can read them as well.
Where in the fucking Bible does it defend this kind of shit?
There is none. This is not “religious accommodation”– this is fuckery.
They had a 14-year old kid with them. That poor kid didn’t deserve to have been led to his death because of the adults he had no choice but to depend on.
Some people legitimately have no idea how to act around wild animals because the only animals they’ve ever interacted with are pets or non-lethal “pest” animals (seagulls, pigeons, etc.). Those unfamiliar may often see parks as a petting zoo photo op.
Hell, the last time I posted on Facebook was to warn the neighborhood that there was a dodgy-lookin’ raccoon out in the middle of the day and to tell their kids walking home from school not to approach it.
The amount of replies telling me to feed it, approach it, pet it, (or discharge a firearm in a residential area) were staggering. Grown adults. So I am not surprised that folks make bad decisions around wildlife.
I mean, sure, but…
— gestures vaguely at the rest of the entire site —
I’ve now seen one person complain about it.
I only used 3rd party apps to navigate, so it was never an issue.
Sounds like R×ddit’s solution for a barking dog is to run it over with a steamroller.
I’ve never seen this be an issue for anyone.
I’m cool with that.
If I have to pry answers out of someone, I’d rather cut my losses and move on.
Does this guy think he’s cool or mysterious?
I really truly appreciate how RIF changed my experience with Reddit and allowed me to curate my front page.
Was really struggling with awful content being pushed at me, but I still wanted to stay connected with the outside world. RIF allowed me filter out harmful stuff and make the whole thing so much better.
I miss my support communities & super niche interest subs. A lot. But I’m at least thankful that I got to experience them while I could.
Thank you, RIF!
In order to get the answers you’re looking for, put out the question “what exactly does this statement mean?” instead of “sounds like this means ___” and waiting for a confirmation/rejection of your assumption.