My sincerest wish is that he waits until most of the way through a trial before providing an incontrovertible alibi.
Whether he is playing role as a body double for some someone else, or just a grifter, I hope it happens.
This is where we are. Hit it, Jack.
GYB is very powerful and flexible, and I’ve used it to manipulate Gmail accounts in the hundreds of gigabytes.
The community is decently supportive, but of course it is a command line tool so some familiarity with the shell is useful.
And that irony now is that messenger on Android is RCS compliant and currently has this exact functionality, except it’s less trustworthy.
Once again I’m using one messenger and everyone else who’s using an RCS messenger gets encrypted, but SMS (clearly marked as such) is a viable fallback.
Most likely they have enough volume in them for that to be unnecessary.
Damn them wangs look good…
They wouldna survived intact
One of the two men you mentioned will win – barring a death before the election, either Biden or Trump will be elected.
All the wanking in the world isn’t going to result in a third option with even the remotest chance.
I think Signal shot themselves squarely in the dick by removing SMS functionality.
Previously, you could use Signal as the primary SMS/messenger app. Any conversations with other Signal clients secure. Conversations in SMS/MMS? Marked as not-secure.
But, out of some purity concerns, SMS functionality was removed and the dev team focused on adding useless shit like “stickers” and then the pin-code harassment.
Signal adoption plummeted as intended (?)
Easy! Just replace their usual SMS app with Signal, and then every contact they have that does use Signal is private and secure!
Oh. Wait. That’s exactly the functionality that Signal removed in their effort to ensure that Signal is never widely adopted…
Facesitting porn (of adults) is illegal in UK for the reason that it’s potentially dangerous
And it just links to a Twitter post as far as I can tell
Hemlock Society recommends an oven roaster bag (like for turkeys) and a bottle of inert gas (usually helium is easiest to get) and just flow enough in to keep the inert atmosphere in the bag “fresh”
Also, there is ‘gas stunning’ which is used in Europe for slaughter. There are some practices that use CO2 for this, but at a nearly 100% level it is pretty instantaneous, much like HS2 – which you can’t even smell at high concentration, because you’re dead already.
Point, there is some state of the art around using gas to kill; it’s not a brand new concept.
So,.like — was this guy in a relatively large volume chamber/booth and they just trickled the N2 gas in?
If there was enough volume, it could take a long time for the O2 levels to get low enough for him to pass out… BUT does a human body produce enough CO2 to fill that space to the point of triggering the suffocation response? Seems unlikely…
OR did they just strap a rebreather mask to his face and turn on a few l/min?
Were any specifics about the actual setup published?
But – nitrous (N2O) is more fun and has just as little usable oxygen – zero
For easy access to an inert gas at-home, try a helium tank from the Party Store
Virtually every international border on the planet.
It’s pretty well established that any biometric can just be taken from you — facial recognition is super easy and it won’t be hard to force your thumb onto the sensor.
This is also the case for things like blood draw for blood alcohol testing.
The only unlock key that’s (probably) truly yours is something inside your brain.
I’ve mulled/wished for this for years. Also useful at borders, where in the past I have actually been asked (required) to unlock phones and laptops. Generally you have no rights whatsoever there.
Those shadow accounts would need to be ‘lived in’ to pass those border checks. My worst experience was traveling with new, obviously burner devices — border agents were extremely suspicious.
Also a shoutout to joker. Been there for 20(ish?) years. Never an issue.
Old- looking UI which i actually appreciate
You can also very easily register as a reseller for less expensive renewals.