I mean, getting older and ‘gross’ health issues happens to everyone really… Or at least you should expect that it is likely to happen to you…
I mean, getting older and ‘gross’ health issues happens to everyone really… Or at least you should expect that it is likely to happen to you…
:`-( I miss voting in the European elections! 🏴🇪🇺💪
Your second sentence does not follow logically from your first though. A randomly selected male might be half as likely as a randomly selected woman to be a victim of domestic violence, but what a man in the far smaller set of people who have googled that particular phrase? I would venture to say the ratio might be a lot closer
Not cool, mate. Too far. disappointed face.
I mean that was possibly their intention, but nevertheless I think it is a reasonable question to ask, and I found it difficult to answer comprehensively.
If we dismiss everything like this as troll, and not worth thinking about, we miss an opportunity to develop point of view and add nuance to our arguments.
I think we should try to answer this rather than just down voting. I think the difference is that conservative thinking led to the policy that led to the person being targeted, and possibly also to a climate of intolerance that made the attacker/s feel like they had the support of the community to do that. We’re not really talking about who is too blame for this individual instance (obviously that’s the person/s who manslaughtered this child). We’re talking bigger picture.
When an immigrant commits a crime, I suppose you would argue that liberal thinking created the situation where that could happen, but I think it’s a false equivalence. Big picture immigrants don’t disproportionately commit crime, and there are major benefits that come with immigration. While trans people absolutely are disproportionately the victims of violence, and there are no real benefits to transphobic policies.
I guess I haven’t done great at this, please other people build on this reply, it just felt wrong to see a fair enough question just being downvoted with no reply.
That is the more common modern usage. I believe ‘factoid’ was originally used to mean a pseudo fact, or falsehood presented as a fact, but that usage is rarely found today.
I strongly agree with this comment.
You could as easily say it’s increased by 2800% (correct me if I’m wrong) since then, which sends the opposite message, but neither are good ways of showing what’s really going on…
I think when you read that article it’s important to think critically about how it’s composed. I am as anti-trump as the next European “centrist dad”, but nothing I read there made me think he went out of his way to tell that story unprompted. I imagine he was interviewed, said a bunch of stuff, and then someone cherry-picked the quotes they needed to support the narrative of the article… You can’t just take it at face value!?