Is it a shocker most people in tech are selfish, short sighted, and self-aggrandizing?
Is it a shocker most people in tech are selfish, short sighted, and self-aggrandizing?
Surely you can have your cake and eat it too, right?
Thats a really long winded way of saying, “No, but there will be one anyways.”
Contacts are overrated.
You are meant to “nullify” silently.
Laughs in vegan.
I figured it out! It wasnt as funny as I expected! Probably my fault!
I’ll figure it out eventually!
Does anyone know why a federal worker would vote to have their own job removed? If they thought they would be safe, where’s the logic there? Did trump say he was cool with IRS workers at some point?
I also dont quote understand someone who believes in minimizing the federal government, then working for the federal government.
Sort of, if he is hurt or dies they are responsible for it.
I think people have to come to the conclusion that noone fits a single label at all times. I often hear takes like in the OP from young teenagers who are just starting to grasp a concept.
Even introverts can learn how to relax in social situations, but the additional stimulus can be overwhelming for sure.
The oppression was there back then too, people put up with it more, and shared their thoughts with strangers less.
And if you put up with it and do what you are told, the ultra rich might let you build a “nice enough life”.
It can also get you shot, people are insane in their cars.
The arbitrary numbers are that NASA should have “more minorities than 10 years ago”. Why 10 years ago? Why more then they had then? Isn’t NASA famous for working on DEI for more than 50 years, before it was even called DEI?
If they had or have unfair hiring practices, show me an example. Surely theres someone who was the most qualified but passed over for being a minority.
I’m not against DEI, just not every company is the same. Also I dont see much DEI for jobs where white people are the minority. I got fired from a job in my teens because the supervisor thought I was a lazy white person who " couldn’t even do the jobs our women do", and 90% of the workers were from Mexico. Wheres my DEI initiative?
Maybe I love hard labour and it sucks I can’t get a job in it because everyone thinks I’ll be lazy and demand extra benefits.
Here’s an example of NASA discriminating, and the legal process to rectify it. Thats appropriate. Showing some arbitrary numbers and saying they aren’t high enough is nonsense.
A company that doesnt discriminate might need to hire people it doesnt want to just to fill a quota. Thats wasteful, and disrespectful to the people hired.
I’m saying those statistics do not say that NASA discriminates against non-whites. They could, but theres no proof of it. Applying a blanket rule to all business whether they are discriminating or not is over-reaching.
Sounds like they were already only hiring qualified people.
Forcing DEI where there was no problem causes a problem.
Luckily some games are still made for fun. And some gambling games were fun before they were monetized, and still are in spite of it.