If it’s not malicious software like a bitcoin miner or whatever, yes. If people want to buy shovelware, that’s between them and whoever made it.
If it’s not malicious software like a bitcoin miner or whatever, yes. If people want to buy shovelware, that’s between them and whoever made it.
Why is it Valve’s job to police game content? That’s a shitty precedent for any platform.
If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Whether it’s ultraviolent stuff like Postal or Hatred, ww2 games where you can play as literal Nazis, or the opposite side of the spectrum where you have LGBT centric content.
Bear with me, that previous sentence isn’t intended to equate those two things, but the reality is a lot of people find LGBT content objectionable. By putting the publish/not publish decision up to platform owners, you’re setting up a system that getting your game published is according to the political whims of whoever is in charge of that process. Any system you make here can easily be abused.
If you think banned books are dumb the same should apply to games. I for one appreciate knowing that freedom of expression is alive and well on Steam, and if I don’t want to engage with content I find objectionable, I simply don’t. Why is that such a foreign concept?
That ‘divisiveness’ got us an actually electable candidate so fuck off with this revisionist bullshit. Biden was a dead end that was not worth going all-in for, especially faced with the threat of a second Trump term.
I doubt it brought in 46m worth of revenue to the state though.
You’re always going to be judged. If you base your own happiness on the collective opinion of society about you, you will never be happy. You can’t control how other people feel, so you need to focus your mental energy on controlling your own feelings.
Does Hashimoto’s disease actually cause obesity? Feels like a lot of people blame thyroid diseases for issues that are actually mostly under their control.
In the grand scheme of things, weight is a physics problem. I seriously doubt that outside of extreme cases that someone would be obese solely from hyperthyroidism.
If these guys got shot mid crime by cops nobody would have bat an eye. These guys are legitimate monsters, there is zero room for doubt of their guilt, and there is zero benefit to society keeping them alive.