I deal with a lot of kids fresh out of college. The surprising part is how many don’t know what Windows File Explorer even is, much less file manipulation. Everything is saved to the desktop.
I deal with a lot of kids fresh out of college. The surprising part is how many don’t know what Windows File Explorer even is, much less file manipulation. Everything is saved to the desktop.
You are completely right on that one. I had totally forgotten that incident.
As a rebuttal, I really should have put a /s for sarcasm. My comment was based on the disproportionate amount of these incidents happening to minorities and people of color.
Being white and male.
Edit: just want to add an /s I dropped.
It should not be this hot at 10:30 at night.
This raised an interesting question in my head. How would the community respond to a brand/corporation hosting their own Lemmy community?
There are a few businesses I truly would not mind having an official place for community discussion and feedback. But like, not the GAP or Hobby Lobby. Those guys can fuck right off. But I personally have to realize some people want those communities as much as I want the things I like.
So where on earth would the line be drawn between useful and spam?
That is funny as shit. Thank you
Well shit, didn’t know that was a thing.
So far my usage is enough to keep me on the free smtp2go plan. But that’s worth keeping in mind if my needs grow.
ProtonMail for regular email + smtp2go for services to send outbound email.
As soon as a big sub goes unmodded call in the NSFW brigades.
As I’m understanding it Meta tied Threads in with Instagram accounts. If you had an instagram account, a Thread account was automatically created. So I bet a large part of those 10million are zombie accounts.
What I wish it had was something similar to Roon which would be a Spotify integration. If I search for something and I don’t have it in my personal library, let me just stream it from my streaming service subscription.