Thank you so much for introducing me to Liz Climo, I love her work and keep sending it to friends since I’ve found it.
Thank you so much for introducing me to Liz Climo, I love her work and keep sending it to friends since I’ve found it.
Same discussion from 4 days ago with the link to the respective Github issue: https://lemmy.ml/post/18936433
Maybe you find something you like here: https://fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword.en.html
Invidious is facing the same problem, there’s issues on both Githubs since June.
You might misunderstand how their “ratings” work - they simply collect all reports and when people had trouble with the game before, and gave a negative or “tinkering required” rating, it will show in the overall stats.
Depends on what you are playing, but gaming in Linux has come a long way. Some games won’t work due to companies not enabling their (rootkit) “anti-cheats” for Linux, but other than that, there’s more and more games that simply work by the day. Check out https://www.protondb.com/ to get an idea of what’s working at the moment.
Thank you, this is great. I will keep it in mind next time I post something about NOYB.
EFF podcast: https://www.eff.org/taxonomy/term/11579/
What a stupid headline.
“So who are these people? They’re a bit more likely to be female. While both the comparison groups were roughly evenly split between male and female, the superspreaders were 60 percent female. They’re also older, on average 58 years old, nearly 20 years older than the sample as a whole.”
Not at all, in Linux Mint for example I simply picked the recommended driver and I had no issues with that.
Sounds promising, please keep us posted and good luck!
Should work, I’m still connecting to the countries I have downloaded the config file for without any problems.
If you need something powerful (but maybe not very easy to use at first) GIMP also works great for that.
It was irony. The tool is even more clear on that with providing you a link you should NOT use because it’s copyrighted (!!!).
Yay for the first post!
I cannot comment on the topic but I’m wondering if you would get more insights from the folks in the !linux@lemmy.ml community. Maybe wanna crosspost?
Their easy installer is why many people I know installed it, but it only supports 21 devices and mine wasn’t one of them, so I can’t say much about usability or security. If yours is one of them, there’s also a Linux guide on their website: https://doc.e.foundation/easy-installer