Then, the whole world should sanction the US then.
Then, the whole world should sanction the US then.
Personally I would much prefer to have a 6h work day or 6,5 hour (for it to be 32h, like the 4-day work week) than to have 8 hours a day for 4 days. I don’t care about having one more day of free time if I still don’t have as much time during 4 days of the week. I would much rather work less time those 5 days so that I actually have time to cook, exercise and do my shit every single day.
But on Google Pixels you can install GrapheneOS, unlike any other Android device
Because it’s controlled by a lunatic
I’ll play a sad song on the smallest violin. Many people lose their entire lives to shitty jobs, he is out of touch.
Yep, can’t expect too much from El Pais
I this case, they are probably suffering from success. Shitty manufacturing and unrepairability aside, the M macbooks are the first competent macbooks in quite a while, so most people probably bought the first versions and now they have no desire to upgrade, because why would they? I have an M1 Pro and aside from gaming performance there is absolutely no reason for me to upgrade.
Sorry man, but when it comes down to Elon Musk getting his filthy, greedy and insanely narcissistic hands on anything, there’s no way I am not going to be cynical about it. For what is worth, Jesuschrist himself could come and sing praises about him and I would still not believe anything good is coming from that man and brain chips.
Not necessarily a fanboy, but still incredibly naive to think that Elon has an actual plan to help people with these things rather than doing good ol’ Elon stuff which is experimenting with shit he does not understand just because it looks cool and makes him look like the Iron Man of real life. And while doing so, he is also torturing animals. Great!
Idk, brain swelling is painful and suffering from it while paralysed until you die is kind of nightmarish. If anything, hallucinations look more tame than what actually happened.
No, millenials end at around 1994-1996 last I checked. These generations are weird because as an early gen z (1999) I’m closer to the last millenials than to a genz that was born in like 2007.
It’s not just about having permission or not, but the right to be forgotten. You can ask a company to delete the personal data they may have on you and by law they should (in theory) delete it, with the only exception being data that may be required for justified purposes.
AIs not being able to “forget” means that they would be breaking the law if trained with personal data, as you could not have your data removed if you ask them to do so.
I mean, almost complete disappearance of smaller phones is kinda puzzling?
Yeah, my bad there, I understood the previous comment as somewhat of a “Well I don’t understand how people can like big phones”.
My guess is, as with many other things, corporations pushed towards a certain thing (big phones in this case) enough to make it the default and then the bigger audience just stopped caring as a result.
It is interesting indeed, but I guess that’s just it, aside from the obvious fact that the bigger the space, the easier is to design stuff (my previous comment + better heat dissipation + more space for cameras), so probably a mixture of all of these things together and a couple more.
People want big phones for some reason
Bigger battery, better for content consumption and overall usage if you use it frequently. It’s not that weird, yet you treat it as if we were talking about aliens.
Let’s not pretend that LLMs are like people where you’d read a bunch of books and draw inspiration from them. An LLM does not think nor does it have an actual creative process like we do. It should still be a breach of copyright.
It’s one thing to have an industry shift (which also sucks), but it’s another thing to be colonised, have some of your islands bought and almost completely owned by rich folk, who can do whatever they fuck with them and having to feel like a tenant in your ancestors’ lands.
There’s one hell of a difference and I wouldn’t be surprised if we eventually had an IRA situation there.
I mean, in this case I kind of understand it. Hawaii was essentially forced into being part of the US and then forced into being the holiday stop for rich people. I would also hate it if I lived in a small island with lots of tradition and it all was turned into a mere tourist attraction for people who don’t give a shit.
It also doesn’t help that some rich folk have ravaged the islands by literally buying them
Tbf, I simply didn’t see it because I stopped reading halfway through. On the other hand, “tranny” is right at the beginning (and I think somewhere else too), and they seem to intentionally misgender Empress quite a few times, so they stick out quite a lot.
Haha, I’d very much appreciate it myself if it were the case. I don’t think you are losing anything if you try to do so.
To me that sounds like many people in that list didn’t get in by themselves