Trillions of packages delivered successfully, but because some idiot thought waxpaper was a good packing for cookies we should throw out that system? I’d love to hear your thoughts on how such a system would work at that kind of throughput.
Gotta install the last star from snap, I bet.
Put a banner outside saying “no gratuity necessary, the price you see is the price you pay!” and watch what happens.
Lol that’s a wild concept. $5 for 300 searches… so now when I go down a rabbit hole I have to count my searches.
Also, that gives them perverse incentives. If they make searching just a little frustrating they can get more searches out of you = more money. That’s not right.
Have him lay some bricks, water or no, and he can’t stop til he’s done so for 8 hours.
Right, be consistent and ban hairnets because employees wearing them reminds customers that their hair falls out. It’s all about consistency! Lol
Gloves? Good as gone! How dare you insinuate that hands are unsanitary? Customers have those too, that’s just rude!
By your guidance I just took action, we’ll see what comes of it.
If you think using big words and calling people childish names is making a coherent argument then there’s really nothing to be done here…
I didn’t say I didn’t want to contribute willingly, I said I didn’t want to spend my time engaging trolls and unsavory individuals. I’d rather they fade into obscurity and get on about my day.
Go ahead and reread it if you need proof, it’s all up there.
Bruh I’m just trying to scroll through interesting posts and interact with people worth having a discussion with. If you get off putting people in their place all day then feel free to sort by lowest score or whatever mechanism eventually appears.
If you want to change someone’s mind you aren’t going to do it by putting them on the spot and belittling them for it. That just backs a person into the corner and makes them double down. The whole “I’d rather be Russian than Democrat” is perfect example of this.
If you want to make them change their ways then just ignore their desperate pleas for attention. Kids don’t earn the right to sit at the grown up table by acting like kids, but eventually they mature and learn nuance and that earns them a seat.
Yep exactly. It also doesn’t make a damned bit of difference that you’ve worded it so clearly a lawyer could cry, and made them agree to a simple acknowledgement.
It’s because here downvotes don’t push you to the bottom of the stack, and that needs to change. At least on Reddit you could bury the trolls.
What a thought provoking comment. You’re not wrong…
It’s a racist post. Other labels aren’t relevant here.
Does openly embrace racist language?
Do I need to add it to my block list?
You wish lol. In truth they can serve this to as many users as they want, and catch garbage outlier responses.