For a company, the choice are today: AWS or Microsoft. I would prefer an EU version (of being spied). It was pitched as the next big step, like this IA initiative today… Still waiting…
For a company, the choice are today: AWS or Microsoft. I would prefer an EU version (of being spied). It was pitched as the next big step, like this IA initiative today… Still waiting…
Because the chips in question for AI are made in Taiwan and nowhere else. The fabs you see on US or EU soils are few generation behind. It will takes decades to be back (if possible) at the same level than Taiwan. And it cost a lot of investment. Ask Intel, they started that many years ago and still constructing the Fab as we speak. And it’s not even the latest generation Fab.
Making headlines is not a proof of quality. It’s just the latest buzz word. You should be less influenced by trends but more by real results.
Btw, I’ve participated to this kind of summit, even as speaker. These events are more a marketing and lobbying tool for consultant firms than being a real breakthrough event on the technology.
They did the same for the sovereign cloud years ago. Lot of money (our taxes) given, fancy events, fancy speeches. Concrete results: still waiting.
And yes, this ML training already show it’s limitations (hence the thing of the past remark). Until recently, you could improve the quality of the answer by providing more training data. But now, they’ve reached the limit as no more data can be given.
It’s just a matter of time before the bubble explode.
Sorry but no.
It’s good when what you are trying to do has been done in the past by thousand of people (thanks to the free training data). But it’s really bad for new use case. After all it’s a glorified and expensive auto-complete tool trained on code they parsed. It’s not magic, it’s math.
But you don’t get intelligence, creativity from these tools. It’s math! Math is the least creative domain on earth. Since when being a programmer is just typing portion of code from boilerplate / examples from internet?
It’s the logical thinking, taking into account all the parameters and constraints, breaking problems into piece of code, checking it, testing it, deploying it, supporting it.
Ok, programming goal is to solve a problem. But usually not all the parameters of the problem can be reduced to its mathematical form.
IA are far from being able to do that and the ratio gain/cost is not proven at all. These companies are so committed to AI (in term of money invested) that THEY MUST make you use their AI products, whatever its quality. They even use a marketing term to hide their product bad answer: hallucinations. Hallucination is just a fancy word to not say: totally wrong.
Do you find normal to buy a solution that never produces 100% good results (more around 20% of failure)?
In my industry, this IA trend (pushed mainly from managers not knowing what really is programming and of course “AI”) generate a lot of bad quality code from our junior devs. And it’s not something i want to push in production.
In fact, a lot of PoC around ML never goes from the R&D phase to the real production. It’s too risky for the business (as human life could be impacted).
Glorified autocorrect… YES! It’s a really good analogy that i will use to temper the expectation of my boss. Also: AI hallucination is just a fancy way to say ’it’s a wrong answer’.
i have pihole, will add unbound to my todo list
Not Maggie S.?
May be… it’s been a while for me too. I remember loving the ambiance and music of this game… Good idea when the weather is bad (if it will work under linux).
They will now create fake CEO profiles (with machine learning capability) available only on Zoom due to safety concerns.
May be one day, they will also replace the CEO by an AI agent. That won’t be worst than today anyway…
I’ve created an automation to skip automaticaly all the HA “new update available” events until we pass the 15th of the month. And unskip them after the 15th (as it could happens than no new update is published after the 15th… but it’s quite rare).
Combined with full backup, i never had a issue that couldn’t be reversed quickly.
I totally agree with you here. These rules don’t make racism disappear but make it far more difficult to use it as a tool (passively or on-purpose).
At least if someone (anybody, including politician, company) use these terms, they will be immediatly stopped with more ease than your current system.
You still have a need for watcher (justice system, neutral party like associations) to keep track BUT nothing official can track your race in any documents at all level. That include the resume of an employe or even a customers service listing. You will have immediate sanction and bad PR for the company/individual if you do that.
Same for your religion or your political party by the way. They are too much officialy tracked and categorized!
Racism will always exists unfortunately but all these laws can reduce the global impact on the population. And put on shame the one using it as discriminative element.
We are in 2024 and they still use the word “race” to segregate the American population in several groups. So no surprise a DNA service could be so popular in the USA.
If they were American citizen and just that - without subdivision and the legal right to ask or use their gene, color skin or whatever_they_think_is_important_to_distinguish_themself - well a lot of issues and strange “behaviour” (aka racisme) would have disapeared.
Or at least decreased as nobody would have the legal tools and data to enforce it: gerrymanding, blaming a vote on a “community”, having your town split in “community” sectors and no shame at all to call it like that officially! Which others country put “chinatown” on their map?
As a teenager, I was shocked by this fact when visiting the USA 25 years ago. That and the fact i have found in a normal marketplace unprotected ammunition sold near the baby milk. “baby stuff, baby stuff, 9mm ammo… what!?!”
This DNA service is just the result of this global problem: the american society and its laws are still allowing passive racism.
So americans want to prove (to themself, to others?) via DNA results that they can’t be racist because they have a black friend sorry : black DNA ancestors.
Some will tell you: “ho it’s just for fun”. But is fun really the only motivation here?
And congrat to them as they don’t only expose themself (genetic data are priceless and should be protected at all costs) but also they expose all their children, children’s children, etc. These chidren probably wouldn’t have agreed to that if they were born.
ho, you are still using street ligths?
It’s been years that we cut them on a lot of major axis and after midnight in my town for all the classic roads.
It’s mainly to reduce the electricity bill, have less night pollution (more stars in the sky!) and reduce the speed of the cars when the road is empty (quite effective!).
Side note: since now few years, our cars are sold with front lights always active for visibility purpose (these small lights are cut only when we switching to the big ones)
Did you imagine what could be the country with JD Vance as president if Trump die of old (or fat) age?
I find this even more disturbing than Trump being president.
You should read this and temper your expectations regarding AI capability: https://www.wheresyoured.at/subprimeai/
X is no more a social media… It’s a rogue social media not following the rules of the country it operate in.
You talks about double standards… Try first to not mixing totally not related root cause. Censoring vs Legals.
X could have been able to avoid that if the company had proper leadership in place.
Statement related to previous cloud hacks i assume.
Should have say: self-hosting is always superior to cloud hosting.
Bitwarden (the client) + Vaultwarden (the self-hosted server) is a good combo if you have some knowledge on how to setup it.
I know, he is also hosted on a german association with the same id. Both github and the association will have to follow the laws anyways.
You are using github so i doubt it is really the case.
But that work only if the USA share its data freely to others… and of course Trump asked 2 weeks ago these agency to stop doing that.