There is no bad thing in the world that the right-wing can’t and won’t blame on a group of people they hate for simply existing.
There is no bad thing in the world that the right-wing can’t and won’t blame on a group of people they hate for simply existing.
With sentiment like “your body, my choice” floating around more and more, I hope that everyone in need will arm themselves accoringly.
Because the guys on the other guys think they are made of steel. Remind them that they have a lot of very vulnerable blood vessels close to the skin and that knifes are as cheap as their lies…
But sweaering of ALL men is neither healthy nor realistic and the 4B movement is not really helping the issue. Plua the movement is extremely transphobic and essentialist. Its just TERFs doing a thing again…
A more practical solution: Dont date MAGA and leave them if need be. Take the children from them as well. They deserve scorn for voting in a dictator, just because they cant get laid. And they deserve to be reminded on how parhetic they are for all of it every single das until they change.
I just read the comment section on this very much christian-oriented article.Pretty fun to see these some smoothbrains squirm while getting beaten at their own game.
At least until you realize that these “pro-lifers” will just let you die for their own satisfaction and are, by all accounts, the enemy of every single women on the planet.
Meaning it was legal for a price and until someone took a closer look
No idea, but I notice it too
Just blocked and reported an account and the single shill-post it produced. Not sure what to do about it, maybe we need more mods
Imagine being so abhorrent a human you need rape and incest to continue your lineage
Fascists are literally unfuckable
I sometimes suspect the GOPs reason for doing so, is that once they allow abortion in these cases, their voterbase would dwindle even faster…
(This is a bad joke, but I would not be surprised at all, if some republican knows this is true and makes a logical, but monstrous decision, just to keep his hands a few more years onto power)
First the removal of children from the CHIP programm and now this
I love to be reminded why having republicans in power is danger to humanity…
Always Indian
More educated people will unlikely vote right-wing.
So in order to get more votes, instead of making better politics, conservatives just want to dismantle schools even more.
“Would somebody please think of the children?!”
Let me assure you, conservatives do. Way too often and in ways that are illegal…
Must be quite the envy to see former criminals take away your job and be better at it as well. No wonder the police is treating them like that.
“like being nude”
Im tipping my hat to the creator for predicting the near future if a beloved character who is now open for public use. They saw the opportunity and grabbed it firmly
So pro-life they kill you.
The cruelty is the point and always has been.
Having no basis in reality is just making it better for them.
By the time you read this sentence, he has already violated it
Anti-Abortion activists? Can we please start calling them what they really are?
Pro state-enforced birth and death if need by
They are also not pro-life, because no conservative cares for people other then themselves. And maybe their unhappy wifes and children, on a lucky day.
But when their family will be ruined by an unplanned child, they are the first in line to beg for what they routinely deny others in need. Its selfish, unjust and inhuman. So pro-life they kill you.
Or, in other words, peak conservative.
This whole thing was a long ass nightmare…
A lot of conservative politicians and our far-right parties wantes this to be canned and instead asked for a more restrictive policy.
The CSU (Bavarias special version of the CDU) already founded a dedicated new ministery for “extremly restrictive interpretation of the new laws”. Thats how bad the f***ing right-wingers are about this progreasive approach! Im to tired to search for the source on that right now, if someone else could to that, I would greatly appreciate it.
Its still hard to believe. Even now it feels very surreal that, within a few days, the technically still existent damocles-sword of illegallity will be gone. This whole law was passed around, rewritten, ammended and changed so often, many thought it would never even pass within our lifetimes, if at all.
Even today, there was so much interest and tension in this thing, the streaming-server broadcasting the vote just cracked under the storm of viewers wanting to see how this would go down.
Thanks to all the people who tirelessly pushed for this. Your work made this happen and you deserve all the praise in the world for it. I hope we can archive more things like this in the comming future.
Usually we Germans are very hesitant to be proud of our country, for very obvious hystorical reasons. But I feel we can make an exception for this one.
Because Im proud of my country for once! Good job!
Something something Leopards and faces.
I have no sympathy left for these kind of people. You are not “one of the good ones”, you were used and are now discarded like every usefull idiot eventually is who believes they are somehow special enough to be spared.