It’s not censorship. It’s a private company that is regulating the content on its platform. Nothing is stopping you from using a different one or creating your own
It’s not censorship. It’s a private company that is regulating the content on its platform. Nothing is stopping you from using a different one or creating your own
Russian talking points already filtering down to the average user.
Just like the Boston bomber guy and the rolling Stones cover.
Y’all screaming legal terms like it makes any difference. Luigi is going to jail for the rest of his life like the rest of the incel terrorists.
He supported genocide.
He supported and backed the Indonesian government in their genocide in East timor. He also supported the Khmer Rouge.
He wanted to lift sanctions against Rhodesia
He also sent millions of dollars to far right dictatorships, such as in El Salvador.
You liberals love it when polite decorum covers up the sins of the leader.
This post is dedicated to the brave terrorists in Christmas movies
It’s not really ethnic cleansing because the last year hasn’t been that.