I have a reminder pop every few months to download the newest games that I bought from GoG. I’ve found it easier to download one or two, rather than a giant batch.
I have a reminder pop every few months to download the newest games that I bought from GoG. I’ve found it easier to download one or two, rather than a giant batch.
I do. It takes about 1 hour every 3 months. It’s pretty easy, actually
Another couple of reasons:
A) It gets people to quit, so the company doesn’t have to fire them
B) It selects for those who are loyal, allowing them to filter out those that are unwilling to be pushed around
Or the alternative could be to make it freely available and ask for donations. Its a system that has been proven to work for all kinds of conent
Its a 3 week old account
Available on fdroid. I’ve never checked to see if it phines home tho
I have an app called Silence that lets me block calls from numbets not in my addreasbook. Highly recommended
Reminder: Dont blindly trust random internet sources!
Correct! I get confused sometimes! :)
RTMP cameras with Motion: https://motion-project.github.io/
I use https://tt-rss.org/ The devs are kinda jerks, but the app works decently if you can self-host. Theres also a couple of phone-apps that work fairly well.
I’ve long been a fan of edis: https://www.edis.at/
All I see is “video cant be played”
I use Webcalendar - https://www.k5n.us/webcalendar/
Its been a while since I’ve looked at the alternatives, but this has served me well for >7 years
I have Dovecot and Postfix running on Debian on a server in my closet. Works great for my needs
I use Debian and Ganeti. I’ve not toyed with much else, so I dont know how they compare.
I just use a few shell scripts. Basically some simple bash scripts that do all the work after a fresh install.
Kubernetes/Ansible are great to learn, but are also more complicated for simple setups.
I have a big storage server and a couple of backup drives for all my media