He’s pointing out hypocrisy, not defending Christian terrorism.
He’s pointing out hypocrisy, not defending Christian terrorism.
I’ve had several bosses tell me that the moment they see a stereotypical African American name they throw out the application/resume.
I can see humanity as being an entertaining sitcom or something to an advanced spacefaring race. O ho ho ho they are so divided and primitive!
At the North Hollywood Bank Shootout (or North Hollywood Bank Robbery) SWAT showed up with tactical gear and short shorts because two guys with AKs and bullet proof armor opened fire at a Bank of America. SWAT dropped what they were doing (I think they were exercising?), grabbed their tactical gear and guns and showed up for a fight.
Its not the same as somebody alleging that there is a terrorist bombing threat or a planned assassination, but they have to maintain that readiness just in case that it IS real.
Because of the huge threat that is faked, SWAT Teams MUST respond.
These assholes usually tell police that the victim’s location has a terrorist threat or someone is planning to assassinate politicians via anonymous call systems that were put in place to protect witnesses to actual crimes. It wastes police resources, makes actual threats seem fake, and puts the lives of everyone involved in a raid in danger.
Its like a twisted form of the Boy Who Cried “Wolf!” But the boy calls the someone else a wolf and the villagers who show up have guns and a history of shooting everybody’s dog
Ah yes the Drunk Colonel Sanders approach
Its just political drama. Republicans pull bullshit every election year to rile up their base and get them to vote
Wont even be a civil war. National guard will fall in line and in the event of Texas actually seceding from the Union, they will find out exactly how much money the US sinks into their state to keep it afloat while their own elected officials flee the first power grid failure
Because the border policy here is “fuck them brown people”
It WAS Mexico.
How many football fields per moonlanding is that?
Yo ho ho a new sea to sail under the jolly roger yaharr
Having worked in tech fields, legacy devices as old as 20 years can pop up occasionally, functioning or not. Once was told a story where this tech was hired to fix a highschool bell system and the whole thing was running on windows 98. This took place in 2015 or so
Galadriel shouldn’t be blinded by revenge and recklessness, because Feanor murdered thousands of his own kin over his stolen Silmarils and Galadriel knew he would do something horrible for his own selfish reasons.
If she can see evil inside another person’s soul, surely she can see the consequences of her own actions 5 minutes before she takes said actions? Like jumping out of a boat hundreds of miles from any land mass? Or maybe she would know how and why the Queen of Numenor felt about helping her, prior to getting upset and yelling?
Nothing about her character in the Rings of Power has any respect for Tolkien’s work, because they dumbed her down and made her act incredibly stupid on multiple occasions, completely ignoring the power and wisdom she already possesses.
My problem is that Galadriel was treated like an impatient, naive child by other characters when in Tolkien’s Lore she is already well-respected and older than most others.
Why? Because female? Bullshit, she was already strong and established by the time the events in Amazon’s LotR take place. They dumbed her down and made her look like an impulsive idiot incapable of seeing evil when that’s literally her whole character.
The showrunners did not give Galadriel the respect she deserved.
The influx of folks moving in from more expensive big city locations plus the general shift of young people rejecting conservative views even as they age is turning the state away from its traditionally republican voting tendencies as seen in recent elections.
“I was trained to be a killer for 8 weeks, and was nothing but for 21 years. I was given 2 weeks to become a civilian again.”
-MSgt Brad “Iceman” Colbert
(Apologies if not fully accurate, I’d have to go find the interview again)
I wonder if Russia is aware that Ukraine is using drones made with parts from China to take out their tanks lmao
It probably will. The last election cycle probably would have swung completely left if they hadnt tried to delay counting for so long. Not to mention all the voter fraud. Abortion stance will be the deciding factor this election.