I have never been to a mall without my parents as a teen lol.
I have never been to a mall without my parents as a teen lol.
Finished watching the second one and it’s actually really good.
Eh, it’ll create job openings
Oh no… who cares.
Presentation? Nah. Contentand amount sure. But the way a food looks has nothing to do with what it tastes like and it’s nutritional content. This right here is idiotic. I never expect chocolate to have the design found on the foil.
Fruits make me just as sick as any other source of sugar. Fruit is just candy in a natural wrapper.
Lol this is so old
Exactly. People need to stop acting like the economy is stopping them from making the biggest mistake of their lives. This is the ONLY good thing about the economy right now.
Kids are inherently stressful. They’re like little abusive people who you can’t legally defend yourself against.
Two wrongs doesn’t make a right. Then again I have no problem polluting and using up 2 hours of shower water and take tons of baths because others who never cared are doing it. So if you’re being selfish, sure, go ahead.
Biology is bullshit. It’s not an excuse. It’s like saying segregation and greed are biology. Like rape and murder are. Negative things exist in our biology and creating other humans for one’s need to get high off of them is one of them i assure you will be widely recognized within the next decade.
I’m good. I’m 40. Every day i despise the idea more.
Lol people should feel comfortable enough to admit to their kids they were a mistake. We need to normalize being able to express that so that people can learn to make better choices.
Because the alternative is the child finds out through negative actions and abuse. Lying to your kid their whole lies that they were wanted is like lying about then being adopted. They will make the connection once they make the same mistake and it is too late.
I always tell my parents they should have foregone having kids as they missed out on a lot of happy memories. My dad became a nervous wreck as soon as he became a parent and took him decades to chill out. They both passed on adhd and anxiety disorders they didn’t know how to treat so yeah, good times. Most people don’t have anything great to pass on genetically to their kids. I really have had no use of my dad’s artistic talents when I’m too unfocused from unmedicated adhd to do anything with it. And who cares if I am great at multitasking if I have too much anxiety to drive. My parents would have been better off and would have seen the world. I would have not existed and that’s totally fine!
Agreed. These people are trying to leverage something many of us absolutely aren’t interested in to push for necessities such as fixing inflation, universal Healthcare etc. Except that if those things were fixed it wouldn’t change the birth rate much at all. That’s why Republicans are forcing people to be breeding machines. Educated well off people know better to engage in an activity that is detrimental to their physical and mental health. And making a human means you’re responsible for them until you or they die. That’s the biggest mistake people make. They make a human, then wash their hands of then.
Time to break the cycle of abuse.
What an asshole thing to do. Hey we had fun using up this planet now here, we made you to clean up up the mess. That’s what AI and robots are for. Not humans.
I mean a lot of us wouldn’t even if it they paid us. We finally live in a time where we know better and can choose not to be barefoot and pregnant (unless you live in tx).
Plenty of times a fertilized egg is expelled during menstruation for one reason or another though.