uninstall Apple Store, which comes pre-installed in iOS, to stop getting these notifications
edited post. The original description & title was me complaining about this notification thinking it was default behavior of iOS, not knowing it came from the Apple Store
Have you considered turning off notifications for the Apple Store app or deleting it from your phone? Both are extremely simple solutions. This is a non-issue.
In the text of the post it literally suggests uninstalling the app.
That was added after myself and another user pointed out that OP’s issue is entirely user error and the app can be uninstalled or notifications disabled. Did you even read the rest of this thread? OP clearly admits they didn’t know anything we’ve said was possible until after our comments.
Ah I didn’t see the post was edited. My bad. They didn’t admit anything though. They just said they wish they could jailbreak their iPhone and that it was “fair enough” that they screwed up when they bought an apple product.
Yeah mb. I realized my error after their posts and edited my post to be more informative, but that made the original commenters who pointed out my mistake look bad. I’ll make another edit.
Lol 😂😆 been there …
“Do the prep work now”
Presumptuous as fuck
do the prep work now, work some overtime & get a new job so you can afford this phone
And next year, repeat!
I’d you’ve never experienced iPhone pre-orders, this is a fantastic feature. You make all your selections now and save it. So when it hits 5am PDT you open the app and tap the order button and you’re done.
Before this you had to do everything when it went live and the system almost always either went down, times out, or was slow.
Years ago we’d wake up in the middle of the night and spam refresh to get it to load. I’d you didn’t get it order within the first 15 mins you wouldn’t get it release day. One time I put my order in 30 mins after pre-orders started and I had to wait two weeks after release. The demand was that high.
Lineage os doesn’t have that problem
oh how i wish i could jailbreak my phone right now…
I don’t think you can install lineage os on an iphone
Just leave the apple anti privacy ecosystem.
Better yet: find another argument instead of telling people to stop using the things they like or cannot use an alternative
But that just won’t solve their privacy issues. The apple eco system is not privacy friendly at all, so why act like it is and let people continue to do stupid thing when they want privacy?
I think it was right about the time you chose an Apple product, from the look of it.
Fair enough… i’ll choose better next time i need a new phone.
Everone is doing this now.
Android pushing their VPN and storage. MS pusing edge and office. Samsung just install what they want when they want.
What you are referring to as “Android”, is in fact Android/Bloat, or as I’ve recently started calling it, Android+Bloat. Android+Bloat refers to Android with manufacturer-made modifications to AOSP. These modifications may for example install 3rd party apps without asking. Android, however, is a clean OS.
For me its Android/Samsung. Samsung’s bloat is a whole 'nother level from the usual carriers.
You really to use a Chinese Android device to actually the know the actual bloat. Samsung looks a innocent child infront of it.
What? Like Xiaomi? Ive never actually used a chinese android phone. Is it that bad?
I have a Poco phone. It’s not that bad. There’s ads in file manager, pop-up ads after you install any app and it’s constantly trying to phone home. But I use NextDNS with some blocklists. They already have tracking protection for Xiaomi devices in beta as well.
Same as me. But I would like to stress that NextDNS Xiaomi filters aren’t best. They miss out a lot of trackers. So, you might have to add those individually.
- xiaomi.net
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi09-1256654958.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi10-407281533.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi07-1818086890.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-proxy-proto-1114919025.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi08-2123402879.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi06-2047145834.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi05-1961044139.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi04-1301562198.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi03new-426797692.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi-1108233833.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- idmb-app-chat-global-xiaomi06-2047145834.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
- resolver-msg-xiaomi-net-665721575.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com
I have also recently switched to CrDroid for my device. The activity of these blockings have dropped by 30%. Lot more privacy for the device.
Yeah I know it’s bloat added to AOSP but no flagship devices ship with that.
That ships with Miui…
Yeah but they’re perfect for sideloading custom roms. They are cheap, and there are an enormous amount of ROMs.
Microsoft does it, why shouldn’t Apple? I’m kidding, of course. None of them should advertise within our systems.
I just use the Apple Store website when I need to buy something or get an appointment at the Genius Bar.
No app needed.
Push notifications: off
Hunh, I was about to tell you how to turn off notifications. And saw that my notifications are on for this app. Settings> Notifications > App Store. And even with it on, I didn’t see this notification. LoL, now I’m scared to turn it off. It’s ok, I’ll be strong.
The App store and the Apple store are two different apps.
So it is. And my iOS is set to remove apps I don’t use, by way of saving room for cat pictures. So I never even noticed it’s existence. Yay, me.
when you bought your phone
Mmm, 2007 with the release of the Iphone 1
If you uninstall the app store, then you’re locking your phone into whatever state it’s in when you do that. Just turn off push notifications.
Edit: also I don’t see how this is related to privacy.
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So it is kind of like the equivalent of GetApp and Mi Store, just like on Mi phones. Many users also recieved similar spammy notifications on newer Xiaomi product, and removing it was a pain with adb shell, because sometimes the phones would be bricked. There were also other bloatwares/spywares like ad-infested lockscreen and file manager. See the uncanny resemblance?
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