it’s like every southern state is in a furious competition to be the worst place on the planet
It’s not just the south, to use Idaho as an example of another state that is in a race to the bottom.
No matter how much US Republicans and trump mess things up, the USA will still be a better place to live than 90% of the planet, even for the persecuted minorities.
90% ? Come on you can’t be serious with that.
Maybe they were referring to the ocean and the poles, like 90% by surface area? Maybe even by volume, as the US is better than living at the Earth’s core?
Give it a year or two. I bet the mantle starts looking pretty appealing.
Talking out of my ass.
But it’s certainly more than the vast majority.
Really depends on your values and desired lifestyle. I think you’d be very surprised how the rest of the world lives. It’s not all terrible out there. Also very dependent on socio-economic status, there are some truly terrible living conditions in the USA for way more people than there should be.
Stroll through your nearest city “ghetto” and see first hand how some live. Or take your pick of squalor. It’s not pretty and I’m not talking out my ass. I’ve slept in some questionable places in my life. Nothing that ever felt truly dangerous but very bad living situations.
Anyways, I’m just saying we have a lot of room for improvement.
I don’t mean to minimize the problems of the US, and I’m sure there are plenty examples of squalor, and they should be treated seriously.
But proportionally and relatively speaking, most ghetto people in the US live like kings compared to most of the planet.
most ghetto people in the US live like kings compared to most of the planet.
Then I guess we should start figuring out why the rest of the planet is being exploited for our gain and maybe cut that shit out. Capital gonna capital though.
Like kings?.. so they have sheverants and no issues with food security and live in castles?
Just because they have electricity hardly makes them kings…
I mean relatively.
Search for images of “favela”. Tens of millions of Brazilians live in those. The better ones are built with brick, many are just scrap wood and cardboard.
And Brazil is one of the “developing” countries.
I’ve lived in a destitute country and I’m not so certain about that
I’m genuinely curious; which places have you travelled to outside of the US?
How? We can’t afford healthcare or to own a home. After paying for rent and healthcare most of us make less. The inequality is heading for Saudi Arabia levels.
Upward mobility is a joke. Education requires a 20 year debt which is required for no reason even for jobs that are now educated poverty.
We are about to be led by idiots who are going to put our economy back in the toilet again. I’m only 44 and I’ve seen 3 major crashes and that was all in the last 25 years.
We are the worst developed nation in the world.
So cringe…
I certainly am…
You need to actually take a look at all the QOL statistics available out there. The US is better than, say, Mexico or most 3rd world countries but almost every other Western nation is kicking their ass when it comes to most living metrics.
In this summary it gives inordinate value to purchasing power without consideration for things like needing to pay for healthcare and even still gets ranked 12th overall, and that is almost certain to change if your felon leader starts implementing tariffs for everything.
Personally I was shocked to see Canada below the US because as a Canadian I can say without a doubt that every other Canadian I’ve ever met would absolutely prefer to live in Canada given the choice. Housing crisis be damned.
The irony of ya’ll needing a ‘come to jesus’ moment to realize how much of a shithole the country has become is real.
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Indeed, Massachusetts is kicking ass while Okla-fucking-homa is a dump.
Indeed the amount of streamers and conservatives gushing about Japan right now is kinda surreal.
Like they genuinely thought the US has a monopoly on freedom -_- name a western country that ain’t.
And isn’t the 3rd world most of the planet? The western developed countries are a small minority.
I have the perspective of not being USian and living in the 3rd world.
Most maybe, but not 90%. Even so, chances are depending on where you live you have a greater average lifespan and access to healthcare, your diet isn’t killing you slowly, attending school doesn’t put your life in jeopardy, you have more free time, and closer ties to family and community.
The US is not a leader, nor even a good representative of a ‘better place to live’. Even if you are thinking about applying for asylum I strongly recommend you put the US at the bottom of your list if that is an option.
aren’t we like, close to bottom rung on major things like healthcare? and lower 50 on education?
Spoken like someone who’s never traveled outside of their own small town
Tell that to all the minorities that Trump has rounded up and deported without even the most basic attempts at due process.
I agree that that’s terrible and USians should be furious with it.
But living a little bit in the US, even if getting deported/killed later is still a better situation than most of the planet.
How is it better? Several people have pointed out that standards of living in the United States are well below most developed nations. There US ranks 48th in the world in life expectancy, and 66th in the world in maternal mortality, behind Egypt, Ukraine, Lebanon, Romania, and… the Gaza Strip.
“Developed Nations” is a small minority of the world.
Maternal mortality, yes, you are right, but that’s just one metric.
The US ranks below many nations not considered developed as well. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make.
I cited two metrics, not one: maternal mortality and life expectancy. The US is also in the bottom 60 for income inequality.
Mm, yes. I should stay here for a bit before I get sent to prison for being trans.
You’re absolutely correct and are probably very sane with no secret agenda or propaganda guidelines whatsoever.
I will follow your advice and stay here before going to prison for being a crime.
Thank you, random man on the internet. I have no reason to believe you don’t use toilet paper.
I may be a cringy idiot, but I’m an ally.
I genuinely hope you stay safe and if we ever crossed paths I would shelter you from the government without hesitation.I’m just pointing out that most likely you will still be better in the US than in most of the planet.
I do have toilet paper and live in one of the most developed regions of my country. Even then my city only has 40% of sewage coverage.
Only 40% sewers in your city?!?
What state is that in, may I ask, so I can never go there.
40% of centrally treated sewage. The rest goes into domestic septic tanks.
It’s not ideal, but we don’t have sewage running on open air if that’s what you imagined, and if you visited you wouldn’t notice.The state is Santa Catarina. As I said, it’s one the most developed in the country, the living quality is similar to some European countries.
How many countries have you visited?
“My red state is better than 90% of the world!”
–people that have never left their small town
How brain damaged are you? Have you been drinking raw milk again?
I may live in a worse country, but at least we don’t have that silliness of people drinking raw milk.
I think people tend to vastly underestimate the extreme poverty that is widespread in southern states especially. Very high homeless population with barely any services for them, people living in dilapidated buildings with slumlord landlords, no grocery stores, very high unemployment and wages well below the poverty level being the only jobs around. This is the case in parts of every inner city and many rural towns in the south.
Yeah, because it feasts on the superprofits of the South through systematic underdevelopment and periodic warfare whenever they get to uppity with nationalization or promotion of domestic industry.
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It’s not even a better place to live than 90% of the planet now. How delusional do you have to be to think that the USA is anywhere near the best place to live 😄
90% is an exaggeration, sure, but it still is true for a large majority of the planet.
No, it’s really not, mate. You need a massive reality check.
I was gonna provide some links or reports, but a quick Google search was pretty overwhelmingly against you, so I’m gonna have to assume you’re just being disingenuous at this point and move on.
Hopefully I’m wrong, but that’s what I learned of the world. If I’m being disingenuous it’s not intentional.
Search images of “favela”, tens of millions of Brazilians live in those, and Brazil is one of the “developing” countries; most countries are poorer.
I’ll be honest, I was in a bit of a mood when I initially responded, so I apologise for the unnecessary hostility. Christmas is a difficult time, so I hope you understand.
I think the problem here is the perspective. There are problems in the world, sure. Many of them much greater than American problems, even at their worst. However if we are talking about general living conditions and quality of life unfortunately the USA falls short on a lot of the fundamentals. Health care, general education standards, overall public safety, etc. The US should be one of the best places to live, and it’s certainly not terrible when compared to third world countries, but when compared to first world countries it doesn’t hold up well at all.
ETA: I live in the UK, so we are really not far ahead of you 😄 we have healthcare, but they are actively trying to privatise it. And it feels like general living conditions are declining. Still there is some hope left
And is that a good standard, a bad standard, or neutral?
Like, no one in a great situation goes, “Well at least I’m not…” That’s the type of thing one says when they are trying to cope with a poor situation.
And I’d also argue that the dead minorities would disagree with your assessment, give that they are… dead.
Yes, it’s terrible.
But living even a little bit in the USA and dying is still a better situation than most of the planet.
I don’t disagree, my only addition is that we should set our standards higher than that. We went from generations of “We’re the best!” (whether true or not) to “Well we aren’t the worst…”
I just wish more people could notice the slow changes like that which I think are indicative of a need for systemic change.
But yeah, while I don’t endorse your message, you aren’t wrong.
Yes. I also don’t want to say that because there’s worse in other places that the US problems aren’t legitimate.
If you do not live in Louisiana, you should be asking your state to require anyone from Louisiana, or who has visited Louisiana in the last four months, to pass a rapid flu test and rapid covid test before being allowed to enter your state.
Your state should not be made to bear the consequences of idiotic public health decisions made in other states.
Yeah, but I’m in Texas so…
Our gvt is probably giving them free rides into the state.
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Abbot was crop dusting the major metropolitans with the flu.
I don’t think the states are allowed to prohibit interstate travel
Traditionally, you are correct. But nothing matters anymore, so
The doctrine of the right to travel actually encompasses three separate rights, of which two have been notable for the uncertainty of their textual support. The first is the right of a citizen to move freely between states, a right venerable for its longevity, but still lacking a clear doctrinal basis.
It’s not like we have border checkpoints between states. Maybe you can do something at the airport level, but roads no chance.
Not with that attitude.
Border Checkpoints. Bold.
Let’s set that precedent. I don’t see any issues that could arise going forward.
Rich people are less likely to get sick as well. Why even bother checking? Waste of time. We can set up a fast pass for them. It’s the poors we gotta worry about. Well, specifically, the [Redacted] the [Redacted] and of course the [Redacted]. Degenerates… We need a way to separate them in line… Hmmm. I’m thinking barbed…chain link? Thoughts?
I really don’t understand the actual party pushing these conspiracies
Surely they’re just gonna disproportionately kill off their voters?
Yes, but not immediately, and before then there’s profit to be extracted!
Yes, we all do better when we all do better in the long run. But they want to do even more better for themselves now. Because they know how delayed the find out part of them fucking around can be. They’ll likely be dead. And it might be their children’s problem. But it certainly won’t be theirs.
But that’s even more confusing. What profit is to be made from a bunch of people getting the flu? It makes people miss work and it kills people. Who is pushing this? Big Nyquil?
No, your healthcare is tied to your job, so you can’t miss work. If you’re sick, you can’t risk losing your job.
But yeah, on a smaller scale, disease is profitable. I’m not saying “they don’t cure cancer because it’s more profitable to treat” (cancer is a group of diseases with no magic bullet), but it’s significantly less effort to sell nyquil than to produce an actual pharmaceutical cure for the common cold.
I think they might actually believe what they are saying even though all the facts suggest otherwise
I honestly think southern states haven’t shaken off the notion of mudsill theory.
They might not call it that anymore, but god damn does their entire platform seem to push it.
i’m getting increasingly convinced by the argument that goes as follows. for the past several decades, the republican party was composed of people who gave tax breaks to all their wealthy friends and fucked over the working class, but those people knew those positions would be wildly unpopular so they used the culture war bullshit as a distraction. and it worked. the culture war bullshit ended up being super popular with their base. but now, their previously young base that bought into that nonsense has grown up, and they have internalized all of it. this generation of republicans fully believes all the nonsense they’ve been fed for the past 40 years. or at the very least, they are competing with people who legitimately believe it, so they need to put on a convincing performance.
If the poors are sick and in medical debt, they’re easier to exploit. People who are hungry will accept whatever job provides for them. People who are afraid will let you take away their liberties in exchange for a (false) feeling of security.
What will the dipshit RFK say about Louisiana?
You need to be drinking more raw milk, and this wouldn’t have happened.
+1…Indeed, the ensuing Green Apple Splatter will free the flu virus from your body.
Well done MAGA morons.
It feels more and more like the US is a problem that will solve itself in the near future.
My heart goes out to the good people of Louisiana.
All 7 of them.
Keep it the fuck down there and die quietly please
Ahhh, dead reds, tears. Thoughts and prayers for ya.
Everyone knows the flu only targets republicans and there aren’t massive health disparities among people of color in the south as a whole, but especially among black people, who are nearly 1/3rd of the population of Louisiana. Guess they should have had the good sense to be born somewhere else.
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Damn, just gonna double down on “people deserve to die for living in a red state”, huh?
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Seems like the option you’re in love with is crowing about poor people living in gerrymandered districts dying.
Not quite.
You love it when Black people in red states are killed by red state policies.
There are plenty of innocent people who will be hurt by this. Yeah, thoughts and prayers for the immuno-compromised who willed be murdered by these fucks. The south isn’t fucking a monolith and you treating it like one helps them get away with shit like this
Right, and as an ML, you’ll understand that now is time to bring out the tanks. The civilian tanks.
Thank you! As a southerner who is very progressive, comments like this really piss me off.
You can’t lower yourself to their level of ignorance, you makes you no better than the people you’re deriding.
You have some options. But they all require you put down that sweet tea—I won’t hold my breath.
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I’m sure you think you’re cute but 1) phrasing it this was isn’t actually legally protecting you and 2) “commit murder or you deserve to die” is a deranged response to seeing people living in disease-ridden places because the medical professionals they interact with literally aren’t allowed to encourage them to get the flu shot.
We both know nothing is going to happen, at least I am presenting options. What are your options? Hopes and prayers? Protest? Those things haveclearly worked in the past. You can take it to arranged, but I know which way to direct the out of control trolley car while you sit backand do absolutely nothing.
My option is direct mutual aid. Your option is masturbating furiously online about who you want to see get killed. We are not the same.
When has your option worked?
You’re literally asking how direct mutual aid improves anyone’s life?
I don’t think being like you is something a person should aspire to be. And therefore, they are better than you.
If you think nobody should give mutual aid to struggling people instead of shitting down their throat about how they deserve it because of where they live, then I doubt you have anything productive to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
dead reds, tears.
Louisiana registered voters, statewide, updated 2024-12-01:
Total: 3,070,064
Democrat: 1,140,510 (37.1%)
Republican: 1,070,384 (34.9%)
Other: 859,170 (30%)
Yep, lots of the south will show similar demographics because of a high black population, unfortunately not enough of them vote.
Not every person in the south is a trump-loving yokel.
Politically you’re not wrong though
…Cajun style.
Damn Cajuns gonna croak
Cajun Luigis:
You know long ibewaitinfordis? Ooh, Immaboutta make a name fo myself hea!
Incubation times vary so I dunno
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