Yeah, ethnic nationalism is pretty fucking far from centre. This party was (eventually) banned for being a criminal organisation.
Oh please can we do that with a few more!
criminality unfortunately involves breaking the law, ie, the things political parties are in charge of creating
Centrist in nutshell .
Something something not left not right forward something something
#YangGang, unironically.
The guy has some awesome ideas
“The Centre” is actually what they call the camp they bring undesirables to.
Reminder: Rules apply, no matter your political affiliation. Behave I do not want to lock posts but I will if you can’t be civil.
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this party in r/hornyjail in Reddit may lead to yet another major bonk war.
… uh bent horseshoe theory?
I’ve been looking for this for years
Anyone Right of Marx is a Nazi Fascist
After some things I’ve been reading on, I just have to ask, that’s sarcasm right?
Yes lmao
All this proves is that wikipedia is an untrustworthy source
All that tells us is that they’re right of wikipedia, so they could actually be centrist.
Shit take.
Imagine if your kneejerk reaction to a post about a far right Dutch nationalist group is “Wikipedia is librul!!!1” truly braindead shit.
You should google around and find some things about them that you like or think are being mischaracterized and report back, that’d actually contribute something and we could all learn.
While perhaps not the most, uhh eloquent of responses, you are entirely correct.
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.
No it doesn’t. Reality doesn’t have a bias, by defintion. Only your perception does.
That quote means that actual facts are dismissed as leftist ideas by many americans (where Colbert lives).
People that live in denial of reality have a well-known right wing bias. Does it sound better to you?
He’s referencing a Colbert quote
Well Colbert is stupid then.
It’s satire - you really think Colbert means what he said from that time literally?
Maybe? I never watched his show, and there’s a lot of idiots in the world.
Yes honey, you’re smart don’t worry
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Can you either go back to exploding heads or get a hobby that doesnt involve being an edgelord on the internet in order to get strangers to interact with you?
That’s a “5G towers spread corona” take.
That’s untrue!
The corona vaccines actually spread 5g, because the guvment wants to improve the internet so they can spy on you more!
I know because a friend of a friend’s cousin’s grandma’s dad’s great grandchild apparently had better 4g connections after getting the vaccine!!!
This is verified by the Extremely Maybe Sometimes Possibly True Facts Zone
When has Wikipedia’s np ever been credibly described as left wing
Anything to the left of Mussolini is leftwing to these ding bats
Facts tend to have a left bias
On every article about a poltical event?
@Blamemeta @cloaker Please show us just one statement that you think is biased :)
Even Jimmy Wales says it’s “slightly more liberal than the U.S. population on average” when America is already fairly left wing, as if only Western Europe existed. Larry Sangar, wikipedia’s other co-founder, also says it’s left wing.
Said, in 2006. Sangar has clear bias against wikipedia due to being laid off. In what world is America left wing? Unless you mean from a cultural point of view rather than an economic one, America has a right wing government.
But America is like the most right wing developed country 🤔
That really depends on what you considered developed. Poland swung hard right after the fall of the USSR, for example. They aren’t as developed as the UK or Germany or whatever, but I’d consider them developed.
@Blamemeta I never noticed Wikipedia to have any bias. Again, could you provide an sample of Wikipedia where you noticed a bias and why you think it is biased?
Well, the very first place I noticed it was about 10 years ago on the Gamer gate article. Called it a harassment campaign when it was really a married game dev fucking journalists for good coverage. We always knew gaming journalism was corrupt, but it was nice to have proof. Also sucks for the husband who got cheated on. Next day, about 14 separate sites all come with the headline “Gamers are dead”. Since then, either by confirmation bias or reality, I’ve been noticing a lot of bias in Wikipedia articles.
Link to article.
Okay, so you are just on the wrong side of Gamergate, got it